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September 2037

- Madam, you have received a registered letter.

Sabine had been bent over her work for so many hours that her secretary's voice remindedher that she was living in the real world. She paused her brain and turned to the person whohad spoken to her.

- A registered letter?

- Yes, he comes from Morocco, the sender is "Kingdom, scientific branch".

- Kingdom, not interested.

- You don't even want to read it?

- Leave it on my desk, I don't have time at the moment.

The secretary then put the mail on the edge of her boss's desk and let her continue herwork.

Sabine was the director of a laboratory she had founded herself two years ago now. She hadbeen passionate about snakes since her youth and had decided to do a thesis on theseanimals to complete her scientific studies.

Thanks to the success of her thesis, she was able to obtain funding to open her ownlaboratory to further develop her research on snakes. She had been working on her passionfor two whole years, obviously she had extended her field of action and was now studyingtoxins from A to Z. After founding her laboratory, she had recruited a dozen formerclassmates to help her.

And today her laboratory had just been contacted by Kingdom, one of the most powerful newcompanies, and without her knowing it, this letter was going to change the young scientist'slife.

After finishing her day, Sabine went straight home, her fatigue made her forget the mail hersecretary had brought that morning. When she arrived home, she turned on the radio andtook refuge in her veranda, near her snakes. These animals, scary for most humans, wouldappal her when they came crawling near her body lying on the fresh tile floor. In thebackground, the radio was talking about Kingdom, the company that has been talking abouther in recent years about her research on radianite, the new material that fascinates somany scientists. She didn't care much and didn't like the influence that the company'smanagers had on the world. Completely irritated by the news on the radio, she removed thesnakes from her body and got up to turn off the radio and continued her evening peacefully.The next day, when she arrived at the laboratory, her employees were all waiting for her ather office door, totally excited and smiling. She didn't even have time to say hello to them asthey all asked her questions.

- Is this a real letter from Kingdom?

- Are you going to answer yes?

Sabine got angry and ordered everyone to be quiet.

- What are you talking about?

- This morning Johan came into your office to ask you a question and saw the letter on yourdesk.

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