Judgment Of The True Demons

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AN: Hey guys I know took me freaking forever and sorry it's going to be shorter but here it is so yeah enjoy.

Third POV:

The Civilian Council looked frightful, Clan Head were trying to escape but Minato knew about the seals to lock the room and locked it. The only ones calm were the clans that tried to help Naruto and The Third. He knew he fucked up with not punishing the villagers and he knew he was soft when it became about how a kage was supposed to be in a village. Death was something he was not afraid of, it's how he died in this case, with wishful hope of a quick and painless death he knew would be merciful. The ANBU in the room or should I say the one's left (once Danzo was killed his hold on some of ROOT was lost so they were able to meet the rest of their souls and leave for the shinigami.) are also scared since most of them didn't help until Naruto was near critical.

Minato stepped forward and almost everyone stepped back. "Nara, Aburame, Akimichi, Inuzuka and Yamanaka step aside." Shikaku stood up "Minato it's not worth it once we move to Uzushiogakure the other nations will come for Konoha. We'll take everything, but the Sarutobi did try to help besides Hiruzen." Minato simply smiled but didn't answer he let his wife do it. "Shikaku we know while everyone was distracted I marked everyone with the hirashin to Uzushiogakure, my clones went to everyone else to see if they wished to move, everyone does so it'll be the true bad actors that'll be here." The thought that at least people who tried to save the young jinchūriki or help in some way won't meet the wrath of brought back to life parents.

Minato lost his smile and focused again. "You all forget how truly powerful fūinjustu and Uzumaki genjutsu truly is." After that those that are gonna be judged felt like they can't move they felt as if gravity is pulling them down. They look at their wrist and saw a seal, a weight seal. They look at the man that can kill 2,000 shinobi in a flash like his moniker, though he'll put a new mean of flash. Some were resigning to fate knowing they won't live to see tomorrow, if only they knew how torturess it would be. "Kushina do it." Flying through hand seals she cast a genjutsu that is very much like the Kurama clan justu, you can feel the pain, they're all feeling what Naruto felt during the long hours of torture and magnifies for every hour of the justu.

Create by the Shodai Uzukage as a way for his philosophy about punishment of crimes, 'you won't know how it truly felt unless you experienced it.' The justu was genjutsu:reverse pain. As the name implies it reverses the pain felt by the victim to the ones that inflicted it and it could be done in masses with little to no chakra and be kept as long a the person/judge wants. This is truly a Uzumaki genjutsu hybrid, mixing genjutsu and fūinjustu it creates a realistic genjutsu though not on par to Uchiha or Kurama clan where it's neigh unbreakable but realism is on par.

As everyone that brought harm to their child was withering on the ground the rest of the innocent were now at Uzushiogakure including some branch clan members that tried but were forced not too, like some of the Hyugas tried to help only for their caged bird seal knocking them out.

Just as konoha was being deserted Kushina and Minato went into sage mode. While they haven't mastered it like Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru they did know how to incorporate nature energy in to make barriers. A common Uzumaki thing but sages started to die out due to old age and killed to prevent them from releasing the tailed beast. Another part of why sages started to die out was after the Uzumaki's fell the summoning bosses saw just how power hungry and most of the time bigotted people were to things that weren't 'natural' or 'human enough' so they accepted less and less people. Just as they were finishing up Minato sent a clone to deal with his biggest disappointment to date.

Time skip Hatake residence.

Kakashi was waking up, tied to a chair with his dinning room table infront of him, he was reading his infamous orange book when he was knocked out. He looked around until his eyes landed upon a man he thought he'll never see again. But upon looking at the older mans facial features he was scared, even after anbu and root he still feared his sensei. "Sensei is that really you?" "No I am merely a clone but if I was the real one I would've killed you in a instance." Kakashi couldn't help but flinch. Clone Minato leaned down to eye level "Why Kakashi, I asked you to make sure my son, someone who was gonna be your adopted brother if me and Kushina adopted you, to be alright, safe, and most importantly human. Here you are, you pitiful excuse of a student of mine. But I have to ask why, why did you let MY SON DIEEEE!?" He slammed both his on the table.

It was like a stab to the heart, but guilt built it way first. "Because Danzo-sama and-and the council said-" was as far he got until he got backed handed to the wall. Still tied down he was facedown and picked up again. "I'm so glad Rin and Obito is not here to see you you sorry excuse of a student. Did you not remember what I said, I said those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." After that a punch to the face once more sending the Hatake flying. After untying him, "Remember this, judgement has just started beware I'm no longer the Namikaze Minato you once knew." With that he dispatched himself leaving one broken Kakashi rethinking everything.

In the land of whirlpool

"Honey are you ready?" Minato opened his eyes going through his memory he saw his wife and his sleeping son in her arms. With a gentle smile and a nod they continued to the Uzukage House. After careful consideration Minato and Kushina decided that Kushina should become Uzukage while he essentially became a stay at home dad spending time with his son. Though Kushina made sure that he would be second in command and help with the paperwork. He laughed she didn't know the secret to paperwork. Though right now is not the time to think about that, the sun was setting and they were tired. A new day and new adventures tomorrow and they need the energy for it.

AN: Well here it is usually I try to get these chapters to 2,000 to 3,000 but for now Imma be a little lazy. Well I hoped you enjoyed please vote, comment, share they do mean a lot and I don't mind the criticism it helps. Anyways hasta luego have a nice day, afternoon, or night.

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