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AN: Hello and here's another quick one. It will be like this for a bit unfortunately, I'm moving  so yeah, hope ye enjoy.


In the Uzumaki-Namikaze residence we see two people, a woman with long red hair and and a man with bright yellow hair. They're none other than Uzumaki-Namikaze Kushina and Namikaze Minato, both were looking for one Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto who was hiding as best as he can. Near the house we see chibi Kurama on a mat getting a tan. Wait what?

Let's move from that. We see both parents looking in  bushes, tree tops, under the porch. They would've showed worry, if they weren't shinobi. They knew where he was, he was hiding as a moderate size rock or boulder? In between those two, near other rocks, what impressed them as well as sadden them was how real the rock or boulder looked and how believable it was to even some trained genin. They knew he preferred to hid as this when he got the chance but sometimes he didn't have that 30 sec window it would take. All at the age of 4. When kids should worry about what they were going to do today or if they've done something wrong, he was trying to live. When  he should've been called, dork, teme or something akin to it, he was called Demon, Murderer, Monster.

Getting out of that thought, they were happy to see some of that innocent child in him as he giggled. They mocked sighed and Kushina said. "I guess Naruto won, come out sochi you won your miso ramen for breakfast, lunch and dinner!"  Naruto knew better, another aspect that hurt the parents. He's been baited out then made to suffer, while they were happy he knew better it still hurts as parents. When the timer rang did he come out. "YATTA RAMEN FOR THREE MEALS!" Minato was on the ground laughing and crying. Kushina facepalm herself, ever since Uzushiogakure was introduced ramen, well every Uzumaki has been addicted. Hell one Uzumaki had to go to Ramen Anonymous *cough* pein *cough*.

The family went inside to enjoy more time just as we see multiple clones looking at scriptures.

Uzukage tower :

We see clones of Kushina and Minato in a room usually meant for meetings and diplomatic discussions being used to look at and study the cage bird seal. Hisashi a branch member of the Hyuga clan who stepped up to be clan head until Hinata is old enough and when the other clan heads teach her how to be a clan head. He brought all the scrolls of the Hyuga clan on the cage bird seal, he and the clones are looking for a non-restrictive seal, a seal that all members will have. Since the removal of the elders, Hiashi and the seal the clan has been more expressive in the fact they now can be real shinobi and not be restricted to traditional fighting and tactics. When anyone even suggested to add elements to their jūken they found themselves on the ground withering in pain.

That isn't the point. Right now they found their answer. "Ok we got the seal, it acts as a kill switch destroying your Byakugan upon your death. And this is something we'll talk to the shinobi here but, a seal that will bring the body home when the person dies but most importantly no control seals." Minato explained to Hisashi who smiled, he could be rest assured everyone will now have protection and at least they will be buried home. As Minato was done with explaining he had to ask, "Why can't you make a seal that can take a person home as a way to retreat." Kushina answered this time. "We are just we're thinking about it, and we need a security so no one can just piggyback and now we have enemy shinobi here. It's a work in progress but it will be implemented soon."

Hisashi stepped back and bowed "Hai Uzukage-sama, and thank you for finding a new seal when can you apply it to the clan." With a thoughtful expression, "mmm... Give us about 8 days to double check and gather the resources for the sealing." Even though all of the traditionalists were still in konoha there was still 80 members in Uzushiogakure.

(I'm saying there was 100 members)

With another 'hai Uzukage-sama' Hisashi left. A sigh left from the red headed clone as she was wondering the next step in this grand scheme of things.

3 Miles (4.8 kilometers) away from Land of Wave

The last bandit fell with a kunai in between his eyes. "Thank you shinobi-san." A man said as he was on his knees bowing to 2 black clad Shinobis face is covered with black wraps, only identity they have is a Uzushiogakure headband and jonin vest. Their eyes were violet, same height and clothing, only difference is one seem to be feminine and the other masculine.

"What are your plans Kaiza-san?" Said the kunoichi, her voice dull and lifeless but very common and even, hiding the person even more. His battered form was barely hanging on but he answered firmly "I'm going back and free Wave, protect my wife and soon to be son." The image of his pregnant wife is what made him fight back.(in this fic Inari will be Kaiza's kid.)

"Then we're joining you." Said the shinobi in the same voice as his female counterpart. "Really, what's in it for you?" He thought shinobi will take over Wave, he knew he's not in league with shinobi or full time samurai, but he can say he can hold his own and probably come out on top against some ronin. But shinobi he might have to evacuate the citizens of wave. The last shinobi that has any agreement with waves was whirlpool and their gone right? Konoha didn't even acknowledge them when he tried paying for their help,he saved up for an S-class assassination and trading agreement but they didn't even listen.

"The Whirlpool has come to make waves greater and toss away the injustice and trash out of it's waves." Shocked he looked at the headbands and saw the whirlpool insignia, sighing in relief he thanks them once more before passing out. The kunoichi checked hus vitals, giving a nod he won't die the shinobi picked him up.

Giving one final nod both figures with one passed out Kaiza dissapeared in a yellow and red flash. The whirlpool is coming, in violent speeds only faster than lightning, waves shall be freed.

AN: welp hope you guys enjoyed this story, hope you all have a nice day, afternoon or evening wherever you all are at, cya.

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