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AN: another chapter!? Yes sir  you know it, alright  enjoy.

As Kushina chased the rodeo Naruto they entered a clearing in the dense forest? Or jungle near the beach. The boar was getting tired and passed out as the laughing 5 year old was amused and hugged the boar.

Kushina shook her head and told Naruto to let go so he can get his 3rd bowl of ramen as she promised him if he was good. Lighting up like new year's eve he raced out the forest for his savory delight. Kushina could only shake her head but that was stopped when she heard Naruto loudly and manly proclaimed "Owie." She raced over to make sure he's safe and not in any danger.

She saw her son hold his leg with a deep cut. Seeing it was from a jagged rock if the blood on it has anything to say, she was about to heal him until she saw green from his hands healing the wound, but the green chakra has a mixture of gold flakes in it like senju chakra. In a deep chilling voice "Hello meat bag."

Kushina froze knowing that voice anywhere. Gulping she turned around and there he was. The Shinigami himself, "Hope you appreciate the surprise think of it as... a sign of good will." With that he disappeared. "Kaa-chan what are you looking at?" Kushina snapped out of it and looked down to her sochi who was staring at her. "Nothing sochi just thinking let's go get you ramen." She smiled a gentle smile as her son beamed and started to pull her toward the beach


Minato had just put to sleep his son and silently and quickly raced back down to his wife. He saw her pacing back and forth in the living room. "Honey what happened in the forest." Cutting to the case, he knew something was up when his wife's face has that face that something problematic and difficult came up. "Why she's worried is about what I said." Now that stopped everyone."

Turning around they see the Shinigami. "Hello meat bags I'm here to tell you restrictions over certain aspects has been... lifted you could say. Naruto will play important role in your mission." Minato furious replied, "We are not going to have our son be part of our mission HELL FUCKING NO!" The Shinigami only smiled "He's immortal like you I could always take that away...." Minato tried to slash him when his wife held him back. "Stop Minato it's useless to attack you know that." Gaining his composure again he stood still for the time being holding back his anger and kept quiet.

"As I said your son will play an important role so restriction on certain aspects shall be lifted only this once." Minato took his silence for him to go. "What restrictions and what role?" Remorsefully he had to ask, he didn't want his kid to be an arrogant brat and if they didn't complete the mission soon, who knows what will happen.

The Shinigami still smiling, "For what role you shall find out yourselves as for restrictions, chakra and his soul." The parents eyes widen, before they could ask anymore questions he left. "Kushina I know about the souljutsu but what about the chakra he mentioned?" She could only look at the spot where the shinigami was but answered. "In the forest he got hurt and just as I was gonna heal him and bandage it up his hands started to glow green with flakes of gold/orange and next thing I see is that the deep wound was gone." Before he could ask his wife about it they were interrupted by banging at the door.

There it was a member of the Akimichi Clan sweating a little, "Uzukage-sama there are two figures in front of the cave you told us that was restricted, they knocked out 3 of us by waving their hands, they said they need to talk to you immediately." Nodding giving the man a 'I'll explain later' they flashed to the cave.

When they got their, they see the shinobi tied up and knocked out. Two figures were there, one in what seems to be in a heavy red samurai armor with some hide pieces, one katana on his back, an odachi on his hip, and two tantos on the back of his hip, on his left leg he has shuriken pouch and on the right kunai pouch. On his armor has scriptures with a stamp of wax keeping it there in Japanese, English, and many other languages adorned on this warrior. He wore a red men-yoroi and stood 6'10 it seem like as he towers everyone.

The next figure stood the same height but was in black shinobi attire except she wore a blue and black ANBU mask. Only visible weapon being two pouches and bow and a full quiver of arrows. The red warrior is the who spoke in a soft but stern voice like a father would. "Uzumaki Namikaze Kushina you are to take the judgement and the trials required of an Uzukage in 5 months from now, failure to take judgment is in trade for your soul." And the two went back into the cave almost disappearing

"Uzukage-sama who are they?" The voice rang out gaining the shinobi parents attention, turning around they were met with  Inochi with the other clan heads and their clans weapons drawn. Minato took the lead. "Inoichi gather the council we'll explain more there this is a in village secret class it as village known but only shinobi known. For civilian SS-rank for shinobi SSS-rank is that understood." It wasn't a question but an order. "Hai Uzukage-samas." With that they went to gather them, Minato looked at his wife as she stared at the spot where the two Judges were. "Kushina we'll plan it but first let's get this meeting done ok." He held her hand squeezing it getting her out of her trance. With a nod they flashed back to the tower waiting for the impending meeting.

AN: Man another chapter well hope you liked it, please do comment that does help me improve my writing and hopefully improve your enjoyment of reading my book. Vote if ya really liked it and if you want to share it. Have a nice day/evening wherever you are cya till next time.


There's nothing here go shooo

Come on really see you later

Fine you did this

Minato's and Kushina's VengeanceWhere stories live. Discover now