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AN:Hello,Yeah haven't kicked the bucket in nor thrown in the towl. Anyway sorry for these Hiatus but can't help it. Onto the story!

Gato's Mansion/Fortress 11:00 pm (23:00)
3rd pov

*Thud* *Thud* *gurgle* A bandit held his neck falling to his knees before he and his comrades were pulled into the darkness hiding their corpses. The two figures silently made their way to a door that was slightly ajared, bandits and nin were taken care of, all had bounties and will be used. The two Uzushiogakure shinobi listen on to the conversation. "Soon Wave will be mine and my corporation will be a nation. Damn that woman she'll be begging for me soon especially to spare her husband ha! As if maybe forcing her child to work in my factory as she serves me will do." Just as he was going to continue his phone (a wind up phone you know the one that has a dial) ringed.

Gato answered "What is it?....what do you mean there's a barrier find a way Shizo or I'll make you shitso am I understood.....Danzo promised some kunoichi sluts waiting and willing for a trade agreement with the leaf.... I don't care if you have to dig to the fucking center of the earth to get under now do it!" He slammed the phone down the receiver. He sighed and pulled out some whiskey from his desk, before he could indulge himself into it he found darkness instead.

Timeskip 2:38

Gato found himself tied to a metal medical table chained. He struggled until he was met with a punch to the noggin. Forcing him to lay down, feeling something stick to him he frozed up staying as still as a statue. Seeing his two captors they were the same, same height, hair color, eye color, uniform everything except one clearly a female and the other a male.

"Gato the Shiping magnet and worlds illegal good smuggler, you are to tell us everything you know is that understood." Gato smirked and answered "Yes I will tell you everything." His eyes widened and looked into his captors eyes even though they showed no emotions. "Seal on you makes you tell the the truth."

After hours of Gato spilling all his secrets and writing the company to them they disposed of him into shark infested waters and watched as he was eaten. Now a plan has formed.

During the interrogation they found out he has sold at least 1200 woman and children some being kunoichi even a jinchūriki to river village under the guise of sending a 'weapon to them for the previous leader Haru. He has also armed Doto Kazahana army with chakra armor and weapons which will have to be dealt with soon, and has been selling shinobi to danzo to take control of for 80000 ryo a piece.

This will be dealt with, right now Wave needs to be freed. In a flash the two shinobi left with a scroll with agreements and resources.

Timeskip 6:40 am

Tazuna sighed once more as he looked upon his family and friends as they starved though today proved promising. Usually fishing comes with taxes, either 1000 ryo or the fish itself plus a additional 100 ryo. He looks at his pregnant daughter as she cries. After the daimyo was killed he was placed as leader even though he's tried to say no.

It has been 2 week now since he sent his son-in-law and the best swordsmen they had to try and eliminate the bandits and Gato himself, no one has returned. No matter how many times they've tried to pay Konoha for help they lost their money and told to essentially to fuck off by someone by the name of Danzo and his shinobi.

He missed his son-in-law, he didn't like him in the beginning but his dedication and want of happiness for his daughter made him keep his mouth shut, most importantly his daughter was happy. Ever since they lost Kei she's has been depressed until Kaiza.

As he pondered things like that a bright flash appeared in the middle of town, running to it he was met with a sight he was both happy and shocked about.

There he was Kaiza bloodied and bruised but alive. But he wasn't alone, two shinobi with a headband he's both happy and shocked to see. Uzushiogakure headbands. Tazuna hasn't seen that headband since his 20's when they have fallen. He thought they were all dead but here they are, now the question is are they friendly or unfriendly?

"People of Wave, Gato is no more , we bare your stolen property and your prisoner here, we are sorry for the rest as we got there they were killed I send my condolences to the families but know their sacrifice was not in vain." The male shinobi announced with an even but somewhat emotional voice, his partner continued. "We also come baring news, Uzushiogakure now stands, we intend to comeback with a vengeance and this time we will stay for good."

Everyone was shocked, Uzushiogakure was the only shinobi village they had an alliance, even allegiance to but once they've fell Wave stayed away from the other villages.

"We need a medic for Kaiza-san immediately, who is the leader of wave please step forward ." 2 medics came and took Kaiza to their makeshift medical tent. Tazuna hesitantly stepped forward toward the intimidating shinobi. "Name please." Tazuna slightly bowed. "Tazuna" the male shinobi nodded, "Please Tazuna-san hold my shoulder and we will make a deal with you." Tazuna looked to everyone as they nervously nodded their heads, sighing once more for what seems like the millionth time today he placed his hand on the shinobis shoulder and they left in a flash.

In a clearing

"Tazuna we have deal for you and wave but first." He was handed two scrolls, the kunoichi is the one to answer "The scroll in your left hand is all the money and stuff Gato has stolen from Wave and it's people, the other are the bodies of the men who cannot see Wave unchained unfortunately." It stung for the bridge builder but if there was one thing his long life has told him, there will be life and there will be death. At least the people who fought can be home again. "What is the deal you wish to make with wave?" This time the male shinobi answered. "Trade agreement, we give you Gato's business to build wave to it's former glory while offering you protection. As well as being part of Uzushiogakure banner. In return, imported goods, food, water, metals and the likes to us for protection and education in Uzushiogakure."

Tazuna pondered this. On one hand all the want is materials in trade for them to advance as a country, freeing his right hand and extending it. "I accept shinobi-san though isn't there usually a meeting with the kage?" The male shinobi firmly shook Tazuna hand both bowing. "Your speak to one of them." Tazuna eyes widen and fully bowed. "Thank you Uzukage-samas I I I I..." The two laughed telling him it's alright and grabbed him and flashed back to Wave.

The two shinobi left as people celebrated, cried, and what not. Tazuna telling the towns folk the deals, hope was brought back to Wave and as well as there freedom.


The two shinobi were on the beach of Uzushiogakure watching as the sunset. They pressed their left shoulder for their uniforms to dissapear revealing Minato and Kushina. They held each other's hands watching the sunset. "That's one problem done now about the others." Minato had worry in his eyes from the revelation of Gatos crimes, Kushina just hugged him. "We'll deal with soon ok." They looked into each others eyes smiling, a romantic moment until.....


They turned around to see Naruto on top of a boar that was running and bucking around like some rodeo with Kurama in a cowboy hat saying "yehaa partner." Kushina face palmed and Minato rolling around laughing as he watched his wife chase after their son. Well they have another problem to deal with now... oh well.

AN: Thought I kicked the bucket did ya welp nope I'm still here. Kudos to unidentified562 he was the reason I started writing and it's sad to see wattpad delete his account. Anyway if you like this story please do vote and share if ya really like it but other wise this is Kizzer signing out peace brothas.

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