Background prt 2

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AN: Another background and adding lore enjoy.

The Green(TG): A sentient force that chooses it wielders, allow anyone it's gift. They have control over the basic 5 and can create any of those 5 out of thin air. Mainly used for landscaping large areas the people blessed with TG do see combat. While most opt to make walls and barriers they can make jutsus  only problems is that they are stunted in their chakra capacity but can train to use large jutsus and continue the fight with pure taijutsu.

Politics: While most villages has a shinobi and civilian council in Uzushiogakure they are combined as civilian and shinobi matters do mix and to further the point of the Uzukage listening to his/her's people while maintaining their absolute hold and military dictatorship over the village. Unlike in Konohagakure where the Hokage can't interfere with clan politics, the Uzukage can. Knowing that left unchecked could result into  problems for the village the Uzukage can and will interfere in clan politics if it shows to be less favorable for the village or that it shows to be a threat. The only time the Uzukage can't interfere in clan politics is when heirs are taking their place as clan head or when the clan takes on apprentices. Other wise politics is practically the same from everywhere.

Way of Life: While Uzushiogakure was very relaxed on everything most of the time they make sure everyone is knowledgeable in almost everything such as laws where everyone has to take a test of their knowledge of the law, fighting, how to act when foriegn shinobi is around or kages, education. Civilians know exactly what shinobi go through not one detail is left unheard of. In away no one is blind or ignorant to what's going on around them.

The Picking of an Uzukage: There would be 2 people elected to go head to head to become a Uzukage but the process could deny or even kill both if not worthy or found wanting the destruction of life and Uzushiogakure rules. The first candidate is from the Uzukage themselves and the second the most 2nd powerful shinobi of the village from the royal house. Both must be proficient in fūinjutsu, kenjutsu, souljutsu, and the rest of shinobi jutsus. Both must have to be a sage of any summon animal and has completed their sage training. Candidates are then sent to the home of souljutsu, a cave called "The Two Judges" (more will be explained) if the candidates survived they would be put to vote if both survived. If one did, they will go through mental evaluation, if they are fit they will become the new Uzukage, if not they will be sent to get help and will be barred from taking the trial again. If the candidate died during the process their families are sent compensation and their loved one given a burial. The picking of a new Uzukage is every 10 years. This gives time for the Uzukage to find and train a student for the position while up holding their responsibilities as the kage.

The Cave/The Two Judges: The cave was created eons before the Uzumaki and Uzushiogakure. The Two Judges are entities that will put a person through hell to see if your strong physicality, mentally, and more. The first Judge is a red masked figure garbed in dark clothes which changes as time changes, this judge will test a person's physical capabilities, their strategy, quick thinking, everything, knowledge, fighting everything warrior related subjects even putting a person in hell to see how they would survive. The second judge, judges a person's will, determination, soul. This judge does not have a form, the trial a person is put through is during the first judge's testing. They will get images

(Warning what I'm about to say is not for the faint of heart and may be disturbing so here a more palatable summary. Essentially they will get images that would break most people, usually depiction of acts crime on their loved ones. Skip the Italicized text underneath. And by no mean do I endorse these acts of crime or betrayal. If I see anyone do any of these crimes your not going to like it)
The candidates will see loved ones being raped, children being killed, used, and enslaved. They will see their spouse with another having intercourse with their enemy. Family selling their secrets as the talk behind their back. Their spouse and kids saying they hate them and why shouldn't they just kill him, why didn't the candidate just die so they can be compensated. Mentors telling them they are worthless, that they shouldn't have trained them but their rival. Deep insecurities are mocked and ridiculed. Parental figures saying things along the lines of "Why did we get such a fucking failure." The candidates are questioned are they the good guys as different shinobi they have killed or deaths they witnessed scream at them "why did you kill me I had a wife and kid" "please help me please!"
The candidates that  survive this is already considered strong but the images can prove to be too strong to the point of removing them from the shinobi program.

AN: Hey everyone just another short chapter, hope you like it please do vote and leave a comment and share if you really liked this story, it means alot to me. Anyway obligatory  sell out of the way, have a nice day/afternoon/evening and cya next time.

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