Background 3

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AN: Hello es me! Another background lore to further explain different things will update the story soon. Do vote, comment and all that. It helps me with creating stories but also to improve my writing. Will redo some chapters with errors, otherwise have a nice day/afternoon/evening and onwards to the background!

The role gods and Summons played in the construction of Uzushiogakure and reason they didn't help durning the invasion of Uzushiogakure:

•Role: Gods and Summons almost worked side by side with Uzushiogakure, Summons helped the country with building and finding materials that they couldn't. The gods gave small blessings unless a Major god gave a blessing. One of these is souljutsu, given by both Kami and the Shinigami these blessings usually made a branch of Uzumaki's.

While some blessing are linear some are often a only one person having this ability. Ranging from carpentry to battle tactics it varies, the major flaw in all them. It was in the common man's hand. Compassion could overwrite what their doing but they accepted.

The reason they work so closely with Uzushiogakure was because the people were more willing to work with them for something beautiful. Grand buildings, lush gardens, thriving people. It was in essence eden, but what push them even more, peace. Uzushiogakure was about peace, they understood war, they could be considered masters of war but part of mastering something like war is knowing when it's necessary and when it's not. Even death only takes when it's time not prematurely or late.

Uzushiogakure was the middle ground for the spiritual realm of the world be able to interact with the world they lived in. They kept a balance of sorts.

Reason they didn't help durning the invasion of Uzushiogakure:

When Uzushiogakure was fighting with the rest of the elemental nations, a prophecy was being told, part of their laws regarding this was when the prophecy or a prophecy is in play especially vital points of said prophecy, they could no longer interfere in the mortal realm. Uzushiogakure understood this. So when the invasion happened many were prepared to do everything they could to preserve Uzushiogakure for any citizen or clan who was outside of the country can come back to. When the invasion was over the gods was able to intervene, taking any and all that was close to death as they could, as well as securing all Uzushiogakure knowledge within the islands.

Part of the reason people can't get to the island is because of the gods. The Summons however did try, but when the worse came the army of the last 500 gave a final goodbye and made them promise to protect any citizens of Uzushiogakure alive and well. What these men and women didn't know was their Summons watched in sadness and horror as their partner in crime, best friends were killed and tortured by people who feared power that wasn't their own. Hungry for said power too. The Summons angered took all artifacts and put enemies of Uzushiogakure who were nearing good health back to shinigami's door step.

The day will never be forgotten, many have tried to step foot onto Uzushiogakure to only die in mysterious gruesome ways.

The Prophecy:

When the prophecy was told it had sent many shivers through many deities, many of these gods and goddesses held aspects as domains  that maintained the life that was created. Usually when a godling or another god comes about they control an aspect of the fundamentals of life. This upcoming one was the opposite. It shook many pantheons. (More will be revealed 😁)

As it stands not only the shinobi world is at stakes. Many are....(hint)

AN: Hetic months and and more days to follow but that's life I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

Before I leave I don't know who needs to hears this but keep your head up. I know today may have been grim or if not then the shittiest you had but you survived it and pushed on.  You persevered and kept moving forward, there will be better days if you keep going I guarantee it, maybe you don't see it but you made some people proud for that. You won't know how proud but know you made them proud. I haven't been saying this alot especially when it needs to, my door is always open when you need help.😃

Alright enough of that until next time peace.

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