Chapter III

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Then, V also will be there.

Seeing my reaction, Bang PD was confused.

Bang PD: Ms. Y/n, Is there any problem? Don't you like the idea of BTS joining?

What should I do ? If I said that I don't want their presence in the meeting, it will make a bad impression. Control your emotions y/n.

Y/n: No, it's not like that. I thought we will have our meeting with their managers. Perhaps, they were on their vacation.

Bang PD: Oh, that. BTS personally like your brand, so after hearing about the collaboration they wished to meet you. And yes. As there on their vacation, they don't have any schedule. So, they are using their free time.

It means all of them are in this country. Then yesterday, is it him? Don't think about personal stuff y/n.

Y/n: Oh, I am very glad that they like our products.

The secretary came and informed that BTS are waiting in the conference hall. Suddenly, I feel like I am sweating. Don't be nervous. Don't think he is here. Fighting y/n!

I went along with Bang PD to the conference hall. I could feel so many stares on me. I kept a smiling face. My employees were already there. I sat on my seat, near to my employees. When I faced my opposite side, Tae was there, staring intensely with a shocked face. 

How much I missed him. Seeing his face after many years gives a kind of goosebumps. (On the other hand, she doesn't know that he also felt the same) He looked somewhat mature than before with a pinch of sadness.

I was controlling my urge to cry. Suddenly, I realized that we were staring at each other for about a minute, so I averted my gaze to others.

Then, Bang PD introduced me to the others. I gave a small introduction about my company and our products. I explained the theme of this project. While explaining I could feel his intense stare at me but I ignored it. After completing my presentation, I was a little bit tensed as I was unable to calculate the result through their faces. Suddenly, Bang PD got up from his seat and said that he liked the idea and shook hands with me. I felt relieved. After the meeting was over, one staff came and told me that BTS' members want to meet me.

I thought today I don't want to seem him anymore as the meeting is over. Now what's this!

I mentally cursed myself for accepting the offer at the first place. I went along with the staff. She opened the door and left me in their room and went. They were sitting at the cough and got up at once when they saw me. I stood there like a frozen statue.


Jin came front and introduced himself to y/n.

Jin: Hi, I am Jin. Nice to meet you.

Y/n: Pleasure to meet you. I am Y/n.

They both shook their hands and smiled. Meanwhile, Jimin whispered to Jungkook in Korean

Jimin: I thought she will be someone old. But she looks young.

Jungkook: Yeah, we didn't get any information on the web.

But they don't know that y/n know Korean.

Y/n: Jimin-shi and Junkook-shi, I know Korean.

All smiled awkwardly except Taehyung and Namjoon.

Namjoon: Are you that girl.....from the bridge.....that day?

Y/n nodded and hugged him lightly and said "Thank you". Everyone looked shocked while Taehyung looked confused at the sudden question and the gesture.

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