Chapter X

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We played with her and left from there. At night, I was still thinking about how my day was. It was a rollercoaster ride. It shocked me to know Y/n has a daughter and her name being Tae Hee made me believe that she is my daughter, even though Y/n denied it and next Yoongi hyung pointing out the similarities between us gave me a confirmation that she is definitely my daughter. Though everyone laughed at Yoongi's comment, Namjoon hyung felt disturbed. Does he know about me and Y/n? If he had known, he would have confronted me about it. Then it is a no. Now the matter is why Y/n hide that we have a daughter? She could have contacted me. After we broke up, I did not dare to contact and tell her how much I miss her because I am the one to break up but she also did not contact me. I thought she will contact as our love is strong and she will miss me like I miss her. But there are no words from her. I thought she hates me. I was not able to contact her at that time. But I contacted her after many months because the pain was killing me. But her number is unreachable. I visited her university whenever I got time in a wish to just have a glance at her. But I did not see her. I cannot contact anyone to know about her whereabouts because she did not have any close friends. The only person she trusted is me. I broke her trust and her heart. I can't go to Daegu in search of her because the company won't allow me. When I had a chance to visit my parents, first I went to her house but there was no sign of her family. I came to know that they had moved. I lost her completely. But she is still in my heart. I broke her heart and now I am thinking why she did not inform me about my daughter. I am the reason. She lost trust in me to the extent of not telling we have a daughter. I lost as a boyfriend, a father and a human.


I informed dad to take Tae Hee back to Daegu tomorrow. Because I don't want her to meet Taehyung. I might sound selfish but its better for my daughter, me and also him. Taehee is fast asleep near me. Usually she will throw tantrums to sleep early but today she is exhausted due to morning scenarios. I am also exhausted so I also slept beside her after speaking with my diary after many days.

Following day, I send Taehee with dad to Daegu and the reason is obvious. Dad did not question me because he is happy to be with his granddaughter. In the office, I expected Taehyung to barge into my cabin anytime but there is no sign of him. Whenever Luna enters without knocking I expect Taehyung but it is not so. But why do I expect him? I wanted him to be away from me and Taehee but I feel emptiness.


Tae's POV

I am trying to make my dumbass friend understand that Taehee is my daughter. He is not believing me.

Jimin: How she would be your daughter? Just because Yoongi hyung told that she looks like you doesn't mean she is your daughter, Tae.

Tae: Believe me. I could feel a connection with her.

Jimin: You like Y/n. So, you like her daughter. That's all.

Tae: Are you saying I don't know my daughter?

Jimin: I am just making you understand how do you have a daughter? How is it possible? Think like that.

Tae: Do I need to explain the process to you?

I asked sarcastically.

Jimin: Am I looking like a child to you?

Tae: Your questions are like that.

Jimin: You just came to know Y/n has a child. She is not pregnant when she is with you. Try to understand, Taehyung.

He is making me pissed.

Tae: Are you saying Taehee is someone's child? Taehee is the name we both planned to keep for our daughter's name. She can't keep that to someone's child.

My hands have formed a fist and my knuckles have turned white.

Jimin: You didn't say this before. But if she is your daughter then Y/n would have been pregnant when she is with you. That means she would have told you.

Tae: I think she may have found out after our break up. So she did not tell me I think.

He left a sigh. Now what he is going to start.

Jimin: I think you're obsessed with drama. Because it's something important to let you know that. And she didn't tell. So, what I am trying to say is.

I stopped him before he complete his sentence.

Tae: Do you think she will be happy to let me know that we have a daughter after I broke her heart and trust?

His face fell. I think he could understand what I am trying to tell now.

Jimin: Now what are you going to do? She is not ready to accept you.

Tae: That's what I am thinking about. I want her to accept the truth herself. I want her to happily tell that I am Taehee's father.

Jimin: But Tae dont you think it will be a problem if this went to the public.

Tae: I know Jimin. I also thought about everything. But now I can't leave Y/n. I am afraid I will lose her again.

Jimin: But you could not push her also right? She may have her reasons.

Tae: Yes. I am not going to disturb her.

Jimin: Then how are you going to....

I stopped with a hush before he could complete his sentence.

Tae: Wait and see I know my Y/n well.

Jimin left a done-with-you sigh. I chuckled at his cuteness.


At the end of the day, when Y/n was getting ready to leave she received a bouquet of red roses.

Y/n: Who brought this?

Luna: Someone from the flower shop. They were informed to give to you.

I saw no name of the sender. Just 'Hi' is written and they are red roses. It means..

Luna: Got a secret admirer so soon.

She teased me. He is a familiar stranger.
Short chapter. Sorry.... Late update..
Vote without being a secret reader. 🤫

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