Chapter - IV

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She bumped into a hard chest.

She thought it would be Taehyung. But the smell was unfamiliar. So, she pushed the man away.

Namjoon: Sorry, y/n for startling you.

Y/n: It's okay. Sorry too. I thought someone was following.

Namjoon: Sorry sorry. Normally this place is well-lighted but I think today there is a problem in the connections.

Y/n hummed in response. She cursed herself stupid for thinking it would be Tae.

Namjoon: Y/n, thanks for showing up.

Y/n looked puzzled.

Namjoon :(nervously) After that incident, I didn't see you in that neighborhood. So, I thought.... thought.. You took a bad decision.... Mm... Sorry for thinking like that.

Y/n smiled. She thought how pure Namjoon to care for a person whom he just met once.

Y/n: Don't apologize. (She took his hands in hers) Thanks for caring about me.

Namjoon: Don't thank me. I was just worried about you.

They didn't know a figure was watching them from a corner. That figure approached them. Y/n noticed him and left Namjoon's hands. Her smile turned to a frown. Namjoon also turned to look where y/n is looking. It was Taehyung.

Namjoon: Tae.. What are you doing here? You said you're going somewhere.

Tae: I left my mobile. So, I came to get it back. (Turning to y/n) Ms. Y/n, I love.... your designs. Sorry for not talking properly back then. I was too shocked to see you in real. (With exaggerated expression)

Y/n: (awkwardly) Thank you.

Namjoon: Yes, y/n. As we already said, he likes all products of your brand. He is crazy you know. (Hitting Tate's shoulder)

Tae: Hyung.. Your manager was looking for you.

Namjoon: Sorry, y/n. I need to leave. We can catch up later. Can you give me your number?

Y/n notices eagerness in Tae's eyes.

Y/n: Namjoon, It's new so i didn't memorize. Can you give me your number?

Namjoon says his number and y/n gives a call to him. Like that, they save their numbers.

Tae's mind - Did she think I can't find her number? Funny y/n.

Namjoon waves good bye and leave the parking lot. Now only y/n and Tae are there. Y/n turns to leave to avoid further conversation with Tae. When she is going to open her car, Tae hugs her from back. Y/n is shocked but quickly tries to remove his hands. But Tae tightens his hug and whispers near her ears.

Tae: Just a moment......please

His hot breath on her neck sends shivers to her spine. Tae inhales her scent.

Tae: I missed you.

Y/n's mind - I missed you too.

Now y/n can't control herself. As she closed her eyes, tears start to fall from her eyes. A drop fell on Tae's hand and he felt it. He loosened his grip to turn her but taking this as her chance, y/n removed his hands from her and opened her car's door.

Tae: Y/n, wait.....we need to talk.( Tae holds her wrist) Y/n we need to talk about us.

( Tae holds her wrist) Y/n we need to talk about us

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