Part:2 chapter:12

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We walk hand in hand back towards the school

"Oh! I'll be right back! I need to go and sort stuff out!" I smile and run off

Carlos's POV
"Wait!" I call after her but it was too late

"Girl talk. Crushed it" Dude says, making me laugh

"Yeah, except when it comes to asking Y/N to cotillion" I sigh

"I'm gonna paraphrase one of the bravest boys I know" He clears his throat and starts "'If she does not like you, then she is not the one for you'"

"You really are a mans best friend" I smile and stroke his chin causing him to chuckle "Come on, buddy, let's go" We walk back to the school and I head to tourney/fencing

"Let's bring it in, boys!" Jay shouts and claps "Let's bring it in! " He stands in the middle of us and sighs "All right. You all know I come from the isle, right? Thinks are pretty Whack. But there is one thing the isle's got in Auradon. If you're strong, we want you by our side, girl or boy" Chad laughs and cuts in

"Hey, Jay, hold on here, we don't.. Uh... we don't break the rules here in Auradon. That's over on the isle"

"Oh shut up, Chad!" I hear a girls voice say. I look up to my right and see Y/N leaning against the balcony railing. She sees me looking and smiles. I smile back and look towards Jay

"The team shall be comprised of a captain and 8 men!" Jay reads out from the rule book "So, uh, give it up for your new team captain!" Jay smirks and Lonnie walks in.

"Whoa! What?!" Chad shouts

"WHOOOO!" I cheer and laugh. Everyone claps for her and then bows. She blows the whistle and goes into full coach mode

"Give me 10! Come on, guys!"

"1!.. 2!.. 3!.. 4..! 5..!-" Jay counts

"Nice form, Jay!" Lonnie smiles and rests her foot on Chads back "Pick it up, Chad!"

"-8!..9!..10!" Jay finishes counting and I clap

"Well done, boys!" I cheer and Lonnie blows her whistle

"Okay, practice is over. Get out of here" She smiles "Go get ready for Cotillion!" I run down the steps and meet Jane to do Cotillion planning. We were on our phones walking through the outdoors when Carlos runs over

"Y/N! Y/N!" He shouts. I stop in my tracks and Jane looks at me

'I'll go' She mouths. I nod and wave goodbye

"No, the pen toppers!" I say to the person on the phone

"Would you go to cotillion with me?" Carlos asks

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. We're all taking a stretch carriage over at 6" I smile "No, no, no! Listen! The pen toppers! and the port side cabin!" I sigh (phone)
(phone= response to the person on the phone)

"No, I mean... with me.."

"Yeah, I'll swing by the dorm?" I ask him "No, no, no when you're on the boat facing the left... yeah, yeah, right. No, no, not right! Left! I meant right as in yes!" I laugh (phone)

"Y/N..." Carlos says, taking my phone away from my ear I look at him and he looks at me "Would you... be my date... for cotillion..? And-" he laughs "-if you don't absolutely hate me after it... um...would you consider.. maybe trying... us again...?" I gasp and smile "Maybe?"

"Trying us again as in boyfriend and girlfriend? Where we can cuddle and kiss again and I can tell you how great you are? Because Carlos you are amazing and you make me so happy! I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have met you! You deserve so much more than me but the fact you keep choosing me is just...!" I say in one breath

De Vil and Heart (Carlos De Vil x Y/N Heart)Where stories live. Discover now