chapter 17

28 3 5

December 23 2013

Jack and Jackie were sitting on the couch resting they had spent the afternoon decorating the tree and having some family time. Jack was holding his son drew while Jackie was holding Jed. Lilly sat beside him Caroline, Bella and John were sitting beside Jackie John was sitting on Lilly's lap

Jack was feeling good. He knew in the New Year or after Christmas he would need more chemo. He was enjoying the time with his wife and children. They were just cuddling on the couch.


"Hi aunt Rosie" Lilly greeted as she walked into the house

Caroline, Bella and John hugged her too.

Jackie gave her a hug.

"Aunty Rosie this is Jed and this is Drew." John replied

" I met them."

"Right." Lilly said taking Drew from her dad.

"Lilly, Bella, John, Caroline lets go put Jed and Drew down for a nap and than get things ready for Christmas eve."

The kids nodded and followed their mom giving their dad some time with their aunt

"Jack are you good?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I feel really good it's nice to be home. To have Jackie and the kids around to hear the kids talking, to sleep in my own bed. And to have my siblings around and my nieces and nephews around . So yes I feel really good."

"Why do you have that in your nose?" Rosemary asked pointing to the NG tube

Jack had forgotten he had it

"It's called a NG tube. While I was in the hospital I was sick and couldn't eat so they put in the NG tube it helps give me nutrients while I get chemo. Do you remember I had one as a kid because I got sick. And they ran tests on me and I had one for nearly a year."

"Yeah. You said you didn't like it. You said you got use to it."

"Yeah. I did than same with now I was okay than I'm okay now."

"Why did you get it as a kid?"

"I was having stomach issues. It turned out my nanny was giving me too much milk and it was making me sick."


"Rosie I feel so much better. I'm enjoying my time at home.."

"How do you get medication?"

Jack removed his hoodie and showed Rosemary the Hickman line."

"Does it hurt?"

"No it doesn't hurt."

"Does Joe take care of you?"

"Yes. When I'm in the hospital. But at home Jackie does. She helps me out."

"Does Bobby?"

"Yeah he helps by taking my kids."

"He has lots of kids."

"He has eight." Jack said putting his hoodie back on.

"Do you get medication in the tube in your chest?"

"Yeah. That's how I get chemotherapy."

"Do you get sick?"

"I do, but I get medication it helps me feel better."

"I'm living with Eunice I don't like the home."

"Yes Eunice told me. I thought you liked it there and there was someone special." Jack teased

Rosie giggled and shook her head

"Your bald did the medication do that? I like you with hair."

"Yes the chemo made my hair fall out. Once chemo is over my hair will grow back. What happened at the group home?"

"A mean lady kept saying Rosemary ring around the Rosemary. Rosemary is fat she ate to many chocolates ring around the fat Rosemary, she was mean right Jack?"

"Rosie that wasn't very nice, of her . Did your care aid do anything?"

"Yeah I cried and Eunice came to get me. I gave her a message on my phone." Rosemary said showing Jack her iPod touch 5 and the message she sent Eunice

Jack was about to speak Rosemary spoke again," I meant Ipod not phone"

"Rosie, we are glad you're happy." Jack said giving her a hug

"Can we go sailing?"

"Too cold. In the summer we will take the boat out and have some fun it's too cold to go on the water right now." Jack told her

Jack's phone dinged he read the text.

J- on my way to come get Rosie-E

With in moments Eunice showed up with Maria and Gabe they gave Jack a big hug they talked to him for a bit.

They said hi to their aunt Jackie and cousins.

"Rosie I made some sugar cookies want to help decorate them?" Eunice asked giving jack a kiss on the cheek

"Yes." Rosemary replied

"Okay go to my house." Eunice told her giving Jack a kiss on the cheek

"Gordon sends his love he is out of town until tomorrow night."

"Yeah I texted him earlier."

"How are you feeling?"

"Good it's nice to be at home away from all of the doctors and nurses. I remembered something today."


"Rosie was asking about the NG tube and I remembered I had one as a kid I was sick because my nanny was giving me too much milk."

"Yeah that is true your stomach couldn't handle it once you stopped eating it went away they found out it was from having too much milk. So that was off your diet for a bit. They slowly brought it back into your diet. You can have it just not too much."

Jack nodded

"Talk to you later have fun at Bobby's see you tomorrow night." Eunice said leaving.

Jack got up and went to Jackie in the kitchen he kissed her passionately as he kids said Ew

Jack tickled and hugged them as Jackie rocked the twins in their carriers she had just placed them in.

"Are you okay going to Bobby's?"

"Yeah .Jackie I just want to live my life. I'm just so happy being at home. Its so nice to be with everyone. Most of the time when I see every one I'm sleeping or sick."

Jackie nodded and rubbed his back.

Jack, Jackie and the kids went down the drive way and up Bobby's drive way. The kids hugged Bobby and went separate ways to play with their cousins.

Jack hugged Bobby and told him what he remembered they sat down to talk

Jack ended up telling the kids one of his famous stories that's what the kids told him.

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