Chapter 23

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(Disclaimer bible Verses in this chapter)

The family walked into the church they sat in the pews in silence all sobbing

Tim took a breath and got up he walked up to the front of the church. He knew in his life thought he would be doing this. He looked over at his brothers pictures. It was one of the hardest thing's he would ever do. He took a breath and spoke,

First and foremost, I would like to thank "each and every one" of you for your support and prayers for my family over the past two very difficult weeks. It means a lot to me and my family to know how much my brothers have touched so many lives.

To sum up what Jack and Bobby meant to me in a few short paragraphs is impossible. I am not even used to them being gone yet. I have been so overwhelmed with emotions. I still can't believe they are gone. I lost my younger brothers but I also lost my best friends." Tim said as he swallowed the lump in his throat he continued on whis was joing to be the hardest thing he ever read, Joe put a hand on his back..

Tim continued, "Anyone who knew Jack knew how much he loved his family. He was such a selfless person. He was a beautiful person inside and out. I am so incredibly grateful and blessed to have shared this precious life on earth with him. He was totally devoted to his wife Jackie whom he loved and cherished being married to he loved her with all of his heart. He was also a loving father he loved his daughters Lilly, Bella and Caroline his sons John, Jed and Drew Even though he never had the chance to get to know his twin sons I know he loved them. As they grow we will tell them how amazing their father was.

We will tell them about the courageous fight their father battled through having leukaemia. We will tell him how their father fought until the end.

He adored his family. He always found time to be with his kids. He loved Jackie and Loved spending time with her. He loved our sisters, Rosemary. Kick, Eunice, Pat and Jean he loved our brothers Joe and Teddy and yes I know my brother loved me.

My brother would do anything for any one of us

There was a husband who asked much and gave much, and out of the giving and the asking wove with a woman what could not be broken in life, and in a moment it was no more. A piece of each of us died at that moment. Yet, in death he gave of himself to us. He gave us of a good heart from which the laughter came. He gave us of a profound wit, from which a great leadership emerged. He gave us of a kindness and strength fused into a human courage to seek peace without fear.

He gave us of his love that we, too, in turn, gave it to him. He was so forgiving he always forgave and was forgiving when we would have a fight he would be quick to forgive us. I learnt from my Brother Jack to forgive.

Jackie Jack loved you. Lilly, Bella, Caroline, John, Jed, Drew your father loved you.

In leaving us these gifts, John Fitzgerald Kennedy taught me to forgive and to love he always said forgive your enemies but never forget their names.

I Will cherish the memories I have with Jack. I will never forget the time I had with him on this earth.

Jack could out whit me and Joe. We would go all out with a prank and Jack's prank was to sit back and watch us squirm and we would snap and say you win Jack whatever you're going to do just do it. He laughed and said. I pulled my prank I sat back and watched you freak and boy was it funny.

Jack was taken way too soon. I was extremely blessed to have him as my brother for forty three precious years. Although, he had a short life, it was so very full and filled with "love and laughter" with so many Amazing moments.

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