Chapter 13

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(Disclaimer for those who aren't religious there is Scripture mentioned in this chapter)

Lilly couldn't sleep she walked down the steps. She looked to see her Uncle on the couch reading his bible.

"Hey I thought you were asleep." Bobby said marking the page

"I can't sleep."

"Come sit with me." Bobby said to his niece.

Lilly sat beside hr uncle

"What's on your mind?" Bobby asked knowing his niece was hurting

"Are you scared?"

"About what?"

"Giving your bone marrow to my dad."

"No, He needs it I'm not scared."

"I'm proud of you..." Lilly replied

"Aw thanks kid. "Bobby said kissing her temple

John , Caroline and Bella came down the steps

"Hey kiddos." Bobby replied

The three of them sat on the couch

"Uncle Bobby I think you're brave." Caroline said

"Your dad is my brother."

"I would give my marrow to Caroline , John or Bella. Lilly said

"I would too. "John replied

"I would." Caroline replied

"Me too they are my brother and sisters." Bella said

"I don't know if your dad has said this but, Friends come and go but your siblings are always the ones who stay. Your siblings are your best friends. Your father is my best friend he is also my brother."

"My Sisters are my best friends. "John declared

"You guys are mine too." Lilly replied

As Caroline and Bella agreed

"Uncle Bobby what were you reading?" Lilly asked

Ecclesiastics three, There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.

A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.

A time to kill, and a time to heal. A time to tear down, and a time to build.

A time to weep, and a time to laugh. A time to mourn, and a time to dance.

A time to scatter stones, and a time to gather them. A time to embrace, and a time to be far from embraces.

A time to seek, and a time to lose. A time to keep, and a time to cast away.

A time to rend, and a time to sew. A time to be silent, and a time to speak.

A time to love, and a time to hate. A time of war, and time of peace." Bobby told them. He had that memorized as did Jack.

"Uncle Bobby, I'm so scared I will lose my dad. I don't want him to die." Lilly said

"Me either. He is so fun a he calls me Sam how can he get my name wrong it's the same as his." John said

Bobby laughed, "Johnny he does that as a joke."

"Oh." John said

"Your dad loves the four of you so much."

"I know Uncle Bobby. He tells us all the time. What if anything ever happened to him and my mom? "Lilly asked

"I would look after you."

"Hey can't sleep. Dad I wanted to tell you I'm proud of you for giving your bone Marrow to Uncle Jack." Abby said hugging her father

"Thanks kiddo."

"I would do the same for my brothers and sisters." Abby replied

"Yeah I know you would."

"Can cousins give too?" Bella asked

"Yeah. But there is a 1 in 4 chance of your bone marrow matching if you're a sibling. Anyone else in the family is unlikely to match." Bobby told them

"That like so unfair. What if you don't have siblings and only cousins?" Luke asked walking down the steps with David and Bobby Jr

"I Guess the person is SOL" John said

Lilly, David, Bobby Jr and Abby burst out laughing along with Bobby

"John do you know what that means?" Bobby asked

"Shit Outta Luck." John responded

They burst out laughing

"Okay John don't say that again. And don't say that in front of your mother or aunts." Bobby responded

"I heard Aunt Kick tell Uncle Joe he was Shit outta luck when he dropped his phone in the water and Uncle Teddy replied yep he is SOL. Uncle Joe dove in and got his phone and it was dead. My mommy put it in rice and it worked. So he wasn't SOL" John replied

"Dad I read that cousins could be a match. But sibling might not. So there is that chance. I just started looking up stuff cause I was curious and I didn't want to bother you or any of my aunts and uncles you all have too much to deal with. I don't know how I would feel if I was in your situation. I would be so scared." Luke replied

Bobby nodded he didn't want to tell his kids nieces or nephew that he was afraid to lose Jack.

"Hey look its eleven thirty what do you say we all have some cake." Bobby said to the kids.

"Yeah with ice-cream?" John asked

"Sure thing." Bobby responded

Ethel came down the steps

"It's almost eleven."

"The kids couldn't sleep." Bobby responded

"We are having cake. "Bobby Jr told his mom


"Yes and it is still my birthday and I want cake. "Lilly replied

"I feel like cake too and Lilly is right" Bobby replied putting his arm around Ethel

"I'll cut it." Ethel said

The family sat down to have some cake.

After they finished Bobby sent all of the kids up to bed

They hugged Bobby and Ethel and ran up the steps

Bobby looked at Ethel, "Ethie I told the kids I wasn't scared. I am not for me but for Jack. I don't want him to die." Bobby said as Ethel pulled him into a hug she feared for Jackie if Jack were to die she feared Jackie would lose it. She feared she would lose Bobby too. He and Jack were close.

Ethel took Bobby's hand and led them to their room without any words she kissed him. As she comforted her husband stroking his chest. She knew all of them were scared.

She had seen Bobby cry. This was one of those times. She just held him and reassured him it would all be well. Hoping and praying it would be.

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