Chapter 6

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See info page for the Hickman line and pulse oximeter

"Uncle Joe explained stuff to us."Lilly replied.

"I know he did I need to talk to you four as well." Jackie told hem

"Mom is dad alright?" Bella asked

"Yes he had an MRI today he is doing well. As he can be."

"Will dad be home for my birthday?" John asked

"No, honey he won't be home for your birthday, Caroline's or Lilly's" Jackie told him

"Will dad be home for Christmas?" Caroline asked

"Let's hope for that." Jackie replied

Jackie talked to the kids and made sure they knew that they were okay and that their dad was alright she told them they had a lot of support with their cousins Aunts and Uncles.. Jackie told them they would all be okay

Ethel Knocked and came in when Caroline yelled come in.

"Jackie ,Bobby called he said Jack is awake he was asking for you."

Jackie reached into her purse she pulled out her phone she went to turn it on. It wasn't turning on," my phone died." She replied

"You and dad are bad for that. Uncle Tim and Uncle Bobby are bad for that too. Aunt Kick's phone is always dead." Lilly replied

"Your Aunt Pat is bad for that too ." Jackie replied

"So are Josie Tim and Liz." Ethel replied

"Mom will you be okay? You are eight months pregnant." Lilly replied

"I will be alright." Jackie told her

Lilly nodded

"Lilly I'm going to need your help."

"I Know mom I will help Uncle Bobby and Aunt Ethel with Bella, Caroline and John. "

"Thank you sweetie. I don't want you to under mind your Aunt or Uncle that goes for any of your Aunts or Uncles. You listen to them."

"I know mom."

Jackie hugged her kids

"You can borrow my phone." Ethel said taking Jackie's phone swapping it with her phone and giving her back Bobby's keys as she would need them to drive back.

"Thanks Ethel."

"Jackie these are from the kids to Jack they made him cards." Ethel said

"Aw Jack will love them." Jackie replied

" mommy I made daddy an areopane like uncle Gordon showed me and I made my name aunt Josie helped

Jackie hugged and kissed her kids. She gave Ethel a hug and left.

"Aunt Ethel can we pray for my daddy?" Caroline asked

"Come on let's get the family together."


Joe returned

"Hey, where did Jackie go?" Joe asked walking out

"I sent her home I think she needed to talk to the kids herself."

"Good idea."

"Lilly is very clingy to me I know she is ten almost eleven. Joe she is scared she is the one who truly understands what is going on."

"Out of Jack and Jackie's kids yeah Caroline and Bella do understand somewhat. Bobby, Lilly trusts you more so if she is researching online tell her not to and Bobby you can stop too. I can tell all of you everything."

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