Chapter 28

28 2 4

July 1 2014

Jack, Kick, Billy, Ethel, Bobby Pat ,Peter and Jackie sat by the pool it was July 1 the Kennedy clan was having a fun filled day the kids were having fun playing football with Tim,Joe, Josie, Liz, Jean, Stephen Rosemary ,Eunice and Gordon

"I'm gonna need another hair cut." Jack said running his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah you have a nice mop on top. "Bobby said ruffling Jack's wet hair

"Don't mess with the hair Bobward."

"Why?" Bobby teased

"Jackward you should grow your hair long."

"No, I like it short but not bald."

"I don't know bald suits you."

Jack pushed Bobby

"How did your appointment go?" Peter asked

"Good, everything is well. They said I'm making remarkable progress and I should expet a long healthy life."

"Bone marrow form Bobby what do you expect." Pat said ruffling his hair.

He laughed and fixed it.

"Hey you have one of these protective cases for your phone?"

"Yeah give it"

"You need it with all the kids"

"No I don't have that many. Give me my phone Disney lover."

"Hey I had nothing else." Jack responded pushing Bobby

"Jackie Jack is being mean to me"

"Oh you have to tell on me"

"Shut up"

"Good come back. So does it really work?"


"Bobby fetch" Jack replied throwing Bobby's phone into the pool

Bobby dove in after it

"I was only joking Bobby but you are an obedient dog good boy"

Jack, Kick, Billy, Ethel, Pat ,Peter and Jackie were laughing so hard they were almost on the ground

"Good boy would you like a treat?" Ethel replied

"Oh good show now you have my wife against me" Bobby joked back"

"I just witnessed my husband fetch that's a little scary" Ethel joked

"I Jumped in"

"You fetched" Jack replied

"Kick did I fetch?"

"Sorry little Bro I agree with Jack on this one you fetched I'm surprised you didn't bark" Kick responded

"Pat, Billy, Peter did I fetch?"

"Yes, little brother you fetched. You may need a treat after that. "Pat said laughing

"I'm surprised you didn't carry it in your mouth." Billy joked as they roared with laughter

"Oh that's It" Bobby said taking Jack and putting him in a head lock as he walked in to the pool Jack got free of Bobby's head lock It was too late both men went into the pool.

Both popped up they started wrestling in the pool

"Kick were they like this as kids?" Jackie asked

"Yes you should see Joe and Tim he can whoop them both."

"Yeah that's for sure" Jack Said hopping onto the side of the pool

He picked up Bobby's phone," It really does work"


"Hey Bobby want to play fetch?" Jack asked holding up his phone

"Shut up and give me my phone"

"Come on Bobby speak"

"Shut up" Bobby said pushing Jack and trying to get his phone

"Speak Robbie"

"Speak Johnny"

"I didn't fetch"

Bobby groaned as Jack gave him back his phone laughing

The adults laughed

"You two are sure a lot alike" Jackie responded

"Yes Robbie is a good dog" Jack said ruffling his hair

"I'll bite you"

"Then that would really be dog like wont it? What will I tell the kids your Uncle Bobby was in dog mode and bit me. What will you tell your kids I was fetching like a dog and then I bit your Uncle Jack"

Jackie couldn't help it she burst out laughing along with Pat, Peter ,Ethel, Billy and Kick

"Oh man" Bobby said as Jack pushed him into the pool

Bobby pulled him in

Jackie and Ethel joined their husbands as Pat, Peter Kick and Billy dove in they started to play around and have fun

Later on during the fire works

Kick turned to Bobby she replied," If they get to loud don't you dare bark"

Jack, Jackie, Ethel and Billy burst out laughing as Bobby groaned he would never live this one down as long as he lived

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