chapter 14

121 2 3

November 22 2013

Jack was coming out of the bathroom he was feeling very poorly. He felt like passing out he walked a few steps and passed out.

Joe walked into Jack's room he saw he was in bed he walked to the bathroom he saw Jack passed out.


Joe said kneeling beside his brother

He could see Jack's skin was clammy

"Jack come on wake up." Joe said

He picked Jack up and carried him to bed he pressed the call button nurses and doctors came running. Bobby , Pat and Eunice were heading up to Jack's room when they saw the nurses and doctors.

"What's going on?" Pat asked

"Why won't hey talk to us?" Eunice asked

Joe ran out

"Follow me." Joe told his siblings

They ran after him to the ICU

"Joe talk to me." Bobby said after a few hours of waiting and Joe emerged

"Jack Has developed an infection."

"Does Jackie know? " Pat asked

"Oh. Joe responded

"I will tell everyone." Bobby replied swallowing

"I can tell Jackie I have to explain things to her. Jack will get better. he just needs rest."

Joe sat his siblings down and told them. That jack was receiving a blood transfusion

"I can give Jack blood." Pat said

"You guys gave blood before. When he first got sick."

"Joe will Jack be alright?" Bobby asked

"He will be alright he just got an infection that happens with chemotherapy sometimes. Your body can fight of so it attacks. Causing patient to be sick. Chemotherapy is a bunch of powerful drugs they kill the bad cells but also kill the good ones. Jack's immune system is weak from the chemotherapy. He will be fine."

Bobby nodded and looked at his brother inthe ICU with a breathing tube in his throat.

He slowly walked away how was he going to tell Jackie?

He made his way up to the food Jackie was in. Her sister Lee was with her.

"Hi Bobby come on in. Lee said that she spent some time with Caroline and Bella but John was clingy to you as well as Lilly." Jackie responded

"Yeah. Jackie, I have something to tell you about Jack. Joe siad he will be fine he is in the ICU he developed an infection. He is stable and is getting a blood transfusion." Bobby told Jackie fast to get it all out.

"Can I see my husband?"

"Jackie you need to stay in bed."

"Who are you?"

"Bobby Kennedy I'm Jackie's brother in law."

"I'm her doctor Clint Hill."

"Bobby please go see if jack is alright video cat with me so i can talk to him."

Bobby nodded

"Bobby tell the kids."

"I will." Bobby said leaving

"He is a nice guy to bad i didn't get him before Ethel " Lee Joked

"I know. Bobby is a sweetheart he was the first Kennedy male to like me Joe Jr made fun of me. Teddy is well just Teddy, his sisters were terrible. except Kick we got along so well." Jackie told her sister

"have John and Lilly always been close to Bobby?"

"Yes ever sense Lilly was young she love him and has always been very close to Abby, Luke , Bobby and David. Caroline is closer to Maria and She is closer to Kick well all the kids are close to Kick. Lilly is a lot like her and Bobby and myself and Jack. Lilly is our sweet girl. That girl is pure Kennedy." Jackie replied

"John is pure Kennedy he was clinging to Bobby when i saw him earlier int he week." Lee told her sister

"I don't worry about John or Lilly. Caroline is like me but she is a daddy's girl. Bella is all Eunice and Pat she is also pure Kennedy. But being a Kennedy is all that bad. I can tell you when they drink they don't get drunk like dad."

Lee nodded

"Do you want me to tell the kids for you about Jack?"

"No. Lee i think they will handle the news better if its Bobby, Joe, Tim or Teddy. Nothing against you. Caroline is close to you. maybe you could take her out for an Ice cream and a ride. Bella would go with you."

"Okay i will do that any chance Lilly would come?"

"No, the only time she rides is with Jack or Bobby but she is allergic to horses so she doesn't like to be around them. John is also allergic to them."

"Okay Jackie don't worry about jack i will go see him and then text you. I'm sure his siblings will keep you in the loop."

Jackie nodded

her phone dinged she picked up to see a text from Tim

Jack is fine. not on breathing tube-T

"Tim Just texted me and said he is doing well."

"Okay I will talk to Joe and get the Information than talk to Caroline and Bella." Lee said hugging her sister and leaving

2 days later Jack was still in the ICU but was going to be moved back to his room.

"You gave us quite the scare Jack." Jean told him

"Jackie texted me and said Lee was here and she took Bella and Caroline out riding."

"she did they enjoyed it. Bobby took Lilly and John out sailing. "Kick told him

" Yeah Lilly won't have anything to do with horses I hate them too I'm tired now gonna sleep." Jack replied

"How is he?" Eunice replied walking in

"Just fine. I have cancer." Jack replied

"He is drugged up." Jean whispered to Eunice

"Yeah I got that."

"I'm gonna get a cat and name it Washington then I'm going to get another dog and name it Lincoln than a talking bird and name it Orson Wells the second. Then a hamster and name it Hammy. Sounds good right?" Jack replied "Oh yeah also I'm getting a boat and calling it Jack Jack."

"Sure Jack sure." Eunice said patting his arm

Jack just smiled he wanted to burst out laughing but the big smirk on his face was giving him away."

"What are you smirking about?" Jean asked

"Bobby , Kick, Joe , Pat and Tim came up with that last night to get you back." Jack told his sisters.

"Your rats." Jean joked

Jack laughed as he rolled over and fell asleep Jean and. Eunice knew what Jack had meant they had teased him earlier in the week.

They were now even. Jack was on the mend. Again they just prayed he would be okay.

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