Chapter 22

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Disclaimer talk about Jesus and heaven


"Where is Jack and Bobby?"

"They passed away last night Rosie." Joe told her

"No joe you lie no."

"Ro, They are gone I'm sorry."

"No,No,No!" Rosie said hugging Joe as Tim rubbed her back Jackie looked on she felt so lost how was she going to raise six kids alone?

Ethel over heard the conversation she picked up her phone on the screen was a picture of her and bobby sailing they had taken a selfie with Ethel's phone Ethel used it as her home screen. She there her phone breaking the screen

"Why don't you slam it harder?"

"Lucas Joseph I have had enough of tour attitude."

"It wont bring back dad and Uncle Jack."

"Oh Luke." Ethel said hugging him


"Mommy is Uncle Jack and Uncle Bobby getting better?"

Eunice looked at her children Maria and Gabe she looked at Gordon

"Your Uncles passed way last night. They went to heaven to be with Jesus."

"Does that mean they won't be here anymore?" Maria asked

Eunice and Gordon nodded and pulled their Kids into a hug


"Tim you need to tell the kids"

"Oh Lizzy I cant my little brothers are gone."

"I know we can tell them together okay?"

Tim nodded and dried his eyes he felt like he couldn't stop crying his emotions were running wild he couldn't do anything without crying.

Liz called the kids down and directed them to the couch.

"Riley Bailey River Gavin and Rylan. Your Uncle Bobby and Uncle Jack are dead they died last night." Tim fought to get out

"No, yeah right dad is this a joke?"

"No Riley its not I wish it was."

Riley started to sob.

"Did they do to heaven?" Bailey asked

Tim nodded

"will they be able to come back for birthdays and Christmas?" Rylan asked

"No honey they are in heaven they cant come back

"Are they gone forever?"

"Yes Gavin." Liz told him

"Daddy I love Uncle Jack and Uncle Bobby."

"They loved you too River."

The family embraced sitting in silence sobbing.


Joe and Josie were sitting with their sons Liam Brian and Kevin

"Is this about Uncle Bobby and Uncle Jack?"

Joe nodded he felt like he had been punched in the stomach hard he had lost his two younger brothers he felt like he could have saved them. But he didn't he should have tried harder.

"Yes they passed way last night."

Liam, Bryan and Kevin started to sob. Josie and Joe pulled their kids into a hug they all sobbed Bryan was going to miss his uncle Jack's stories the boys were all going to miss their Uncle Bobby's love they were going to really miss their uncles.

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