Chapter 5

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Jack was lying in bed he was feeling nervous

"Jack I know you don't know me." Jackie paused," But I will help you through this. Your family will be there,"

"What year is this? Jack asked as he watched the doctor come in he swallowed his nerves were really kicking in

"November seventeenth twenty thirteen. You were in a coma for five days. "

"Oh Okay."

Jackie rubbed Jack's arm

"Okay Mr. Kennedy are you ready for the lumbar puncture. And a Hickman line."

"Will this hurt?"

"It may be a bit uncomfortable."

"Some people experience some back pain and a head ache."

Jack nodded

"Do you want me to go through the procedure with you or just do it?"

"Just do it." Jack replied feeling anxious he had a headache now.

"Okay are you ready?"


"Jack I will go over with you for the first time."


"Before you do the procedure what are the risks? My husband has had a head injury he was unconscious for five days." Jackie replied

"Yes we are aware of that. The risks are Post-lumbar puncture headache. Up to twenty five percent of people who have undergone a lumbar puncture develop a headache afterward due to a leak of fluid into nearby tissues. The headache typically starts several hours up to two days after the procedure and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and dizziness. The headaches are usually present when sitting or standing and resolve after lying down. Post-lumbar puncture headaches can last from a few hours to a week or more.

Back discomfort or pain. You may feel pain or tenderness in your lower back after the procedure. The pain might radiate down the back of your legs.

Bleeding. Bleeding may occur near the puncture site or, rarely, into the epidural space.

Brainstem herniation. Increased pressure within the skull due to a brain tumor or other space-occupying lesion, can lead to compression of the brainstem after a sample of cerebrospinal fluid is removed."

"Does the bleeding happen a lot?" Jack asked

"It can it's one of the rarer ones the most common is the headaches and back pain are more common."

"Will I be able to get through this? I have a head ache right now."

"We will take you for a MRI before we start the procedure. We could sedate you and have you siting up or laying down."

"Can you just take away the headache?" Jack replied

"Yes we will go for an MRI. Mrs. Kennedy the material may be given over one to two minutes. Then more MRI scans are done. An MRI test usually takes thirty to sixty minutes but can take as long as two hours. Jack are you claustrophobic?

"I don't remember."

"Yes he is." Jackie replied

"Okay than sedation is best."

"What is your name doctor?" Jackie replied, "You can call us Jack and Jackie." She replied

"How long after the procedure will I wake up?" Jack asked

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