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"Chaos at the Table"

Camilo tried shaking off the nervousness and anxiety he felt from that moment as he heads towards the staircase.

The boy halts and greets his Abuela, whom he found sweeping petals. "I'll take care of that for you, Abuela." He says, grabbing onto the broom with a smile.

"Thank you, Camilo." She said and smiled, patting his shoulder as she goes up the stairs, wanting to investigate the candle and the sudden vibrations that they felt moments ago.

When just a few minutes later, Luisa came in looking panicked, moving her arms around anxiously with her eyes displaying worry. "Camilo, real quick, have you seen Abuela?" She asked.

"Yeah, Abuela just went up the stairs." He informed her, pointing at the staircase, and not a second after, Luisa starts bolting up the staircase anxiously babbling about what happened to her earlier.

Camilo couldn't make out the most of what his cousin hurriedly told their Abuela as the boy tidied up the petals, but he was sure she was in distress over something.

After seeing his Abuela go out to fetch the Guzmans, he managed to catch a glimpse of his mother, carrying a box and going toward the nursery as he climbed up the stairs.

He was about to go check on her, seeing as the sky simultaneously kept getting dark but stopped in his tracks when his father questioned him about Pepa's whereabouts, pointing at the nursery as a response. "Mami's getting Toñito's things, I think." He answered, a bit unsure.

He watched as Felix walked over to the nursery, and immediately burst open the door, including himself in Mirabel and Pepa's conversation.

Out of curiosity, Camilo tried to sneak over to Mirabel's room, wanting to get his share of their topic when he got pulled back by his sister. "They're only saying not to talk about Tio Bruno." She tells him, not wanting her brother to copy her hobby of gossiping. Unlike her though, she just so happens to hear every juicy topic going from one mouth to another's ears. No matter how much they whisper.

"Mami and Papi ended up singing about him though." She says, letting out a squeak as she shrugged at him and started walking away.

"They're singing without me?" 

★  ★  ★

Camilo noticed how tense and fidgety his sister was. She kept on squeaking and fiddling with her glass for the past few minutes. Not only that, but his Tio Agustin and Mirabel looked just as anxious at the dinner table.

He was sure that the three of them know something the rest didn't, so he looked at his sister and nudged her knee with his under the table, trying to catch her attention when;

"Avocado," He heard Mariano say, passing a bowl down to Mirabel. Then all of a sudden he finds Dolores whispering something in his ears.

"Mirabel was in Tio Bruno's vision."

The words weren't a lot, but as soon as he heard them, he felt nervous for his cousin. Although he doesn't quite remember a lot of memories about his uncle, he was convinced of how his visions completely seal your fate – what you see in that vision either comes true or. . . it comes true. And judging by the anxiety between the three of them and the way Dolores's voice sounded when she whispered those words in his ears, it could've meant something bad.

All Camilo remembered was how his soup traveled down the wrong pipe when those words started to sink in, accidentally and involuntarily shapeshifting into either Mirabel or their Tio in shock, messing up his face in the end and catching the attention of everyone at the table.

"Camilo, fix your face," Felix whispered, raising a brow and squinting at his son as Abuela Madrigal managed to divert Señora Guzman's attention back to her and their topic once again.

Camilo tugged his father's sleeves and whispered what his sister said to his ear, shocking his father and making him spray water at Mariano. And to tell you the truth, if he weren't as anxious, he wouldn't be able to have held in his laughter at the sight of that.

The situation started getting harder and harder to dismiss as the news of Mirabel's vision traveled from one ear to another, from Pepa's growing cloud to Luisa's breakdown with the piano, to well, Mariano's nose getting smashed, looking more like it almost got dislocated.

With the giant thundering cloud in the room, Antonio's animals started getting flustered– making a lot of noise, cracks started appearing in the room, and even Dolores started yelling out what she knows, even though her ears are probably in so much pain from all the noise and her own loud voice.

Calm down, calm down.

Camilo keeps telling himself, trying to block out all the other worry thoughts his mind was asking, clutching his head at the table as chaos unfolds all around them.

Everyone suddenly falls silent at the sight of a tray with the broken pieces of Bruno's last vision neatly placed together like a puzzle, fashionably sliding down on the table.

Cue the heavy rainfall with the multiple pale faces, and the perplexed crowd waiting outside. . . and, scene.

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