🪄Year 1: Chapter 1🪄

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Year of September 1, 1991

{On the train}

(Y/N)'s Pov:

I was looking around for a compartment on the train when I saw my brother Ron in a compartment with someone and walked to their compartment ready to ask if I could join in

Harry's POV:
I just met Ron and then we looked over to the door and I saw this pretty girl

(Y/n): hey *she smiled*

Ron: hey sis

(Y/n): do you mind if I sit here?

Harry: no not at all

Ron: yeah sis come join us

(Y/n): *giggles* all right *sits down next to Harry*

'her giggle was cute'

Ron: so sis this Harry

(Y/n): oh *Looking at her brother* I already could've told you that

Ron: how?

(Y/n): I saw the scar when he showed you duh

Ron: oh

(Y/n): Harry I'm (Y/n) Weasley *lies*

Harry: nice to meet you (Y/n)

Y/n and Harry chat while Ron looks at his rat trying to perform a spell after getting candy from the trolley

Then Hermione enters the compartment

Hermione: have any of you seen a toad?

They all nod no

Hermione: performing magic we let's see it *looking at Ron*

Ron: *looking at his rat and pointing his wand and waving it* Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow

'Nothing happens'

Hermione: that's not a real spell you know

(Y/n): excuse me what's your name? *Curiousity In her voice*

Hermione: oh I'm Hermione Granger what's yours?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/n) Weasley *lies again*

They shake hands and Hermione looks at the others

Ron: I'm Ron Weasley

Hermione: *looks at Harry* holey cricket you're Harry Potter

Harry: *nods* yeah that's me

Hermione: it was nice meeting you all I expect we'll be arriving soon so better get ready for our arrival *leaves the compartment*

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