🪄Year 4: Chapter 1 & Chapter 2🪄

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Even later at night everyone is sleeping but Harry was staring at the window and hums to himself and y/n knocks on the door of the boys bedroom

Harry: come in *not looking from the window*

Y/n comes in and sits next to Harry and puts her head on his shoulder and Harry puts his head on her head they look out the window together and they both slowly fall asleep in that position


The Next Day

Harry woke up remembering he fell asleep with y/n was beside him but she wasn't there

He went down to the Gryffindor common room to see Ron and Hermione chatting

Harry: hey has anyone seen y/n?

Ron: yeah mate she left on her date with Cedric 2 hours ago why?

Harry: no reason I was just curious

Hermione: oh yeah they doing an announcement after class during lunch I wonder what it is

Ron: same

Harry reluctantly agrees

Later after classes were over they went to great hall and sat their tables for the announcement

Professor McGonagall stands up and walks to the stand with professor Dumbledore beside her

Every student stops talking and looks at professor McGonagall

Pro McGonagall: is next week tri-wizarding for selection so class will still go on but quizzes and exams will be cancelled with also along with quidditch and will be also cancelled and the yule ball will be held after the first task so please ask you're dates before the yule ball *after saying this she went to go sit down*

Pro. Dumbledore: today we have guests from different schools that will be visiting us the first school the Durmstrang Institute

The drumstang institute entered making a scene then went to sit down at the Slytherin table some of them had to sit at the Gryffindor table

Pro. Dumbledore: the next school that is practicing besides us and the Durmstrang Institute is the Beauxbatons

Beauxbatons making a scene as well

After that

Hermione: I can't believe I forgot about the tri-wizarding cup

Ron: so Harry who do you think you're going ask to yule ball?

Harry: I don't know *looking at y/n who's clearly sitting at the Hufflepuff table with Cedric*

Y/n gets up and walks over to the Gryffindor table and then walks over to Hermione

Y/n: Hermione can you believe it Cedric just asked me to the yule ball dance and I said yes

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