🪄Year 1: Chapter 5🪄

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Months later

They finally beat professor Quirrell and y/n and Harry end up being both in hospital wing with Ron but y/n had the worst case she lost her Pinky on her left finger and there's was nothing the nurse could do

Y/n finally woke up a week later to see Hermione and Harry and Ron and Cedric and George and Fred all staring at her

Hermione: y/n!!!

Y/n: what happened? *Picks up her left hand to see her pinky is gone* oh nevermind so whats up?

Cedric: do remember what happened in those dungeons?

Y/n: of course not

Ron: you saved Harry's life from a  Stupefy spell that's what Harry told us at least

George: I hope you better soon

Fred: blime y/n scaring everyone like that

Harry: are you sure you're okay?

Hermione: yeah y/n it was a pretty hard hit to you're head while losing your pinky in the process I think at least

Y/n: guys I'm completely fine all I'm missing is my left pinky

Everyone around her nod

Y/n: so when can I leave?

Harry: you can leave today cause you woke up or wait until tomorrow to leave if you want that's what the nurse said but that's up to you

Hermione and Ron and Fred and George and Cedric left leaving y/n with Harry

Y/n: well can you come help me up please Harry

Harry: of course y/n

Harry runs to her side and helps her off the bed and she put her feet on the floor and starts walking with Harry holding her right hand

Y/n: thanks for helping Harry

Harry: no problem *blushes*

Y/n: Harry why do you have to be cute? *Teased him*

Harry: 'did she just call me cute?' uhhhh *Harry's expe has stopped working*

Y/n: I'm kidding Harry

Harry lost in a trance of his mind because y/n called him cute

Y/n drags Harry to the Gryffindor common room and they enter and she makes Harry sit down on the couch

Hermione enters

Hermione: what's wrong with him?

Y/n: I think I broke Harry

Ron enters

Ron: you broke Harry? How?

Y/n: I just called him cute I was being honest

Hermione: *faces palms her head* blime

Ron: nice job sis you broke Harry's brain from working completely

Y/n: oh please I didn't break Harry but does he need to go to the hospital wing?

Hermione: oh no y/n to fix this you need to kiss Harry on the check

Y/n: oh okay *she walks over to Harry and kisses him on the cheek*

Harry: *snaps out to see y/n kissing his cheek and then he blushes even harder* uh thanks y/n

Hermione and Ron just laugh

Y/n: no problem Harry anything for you *she leaves to go to the girls bed room*

Harry: blime *fixing his glasses* I think I have crush on her now

Hermione: I know you do

Ron: I didn't know you liked my sister like that Harry

Harry: *looks down at his feet while blushing* uh later *he leaves to go the boy's bedroom*

Hermione: let's make y/n and Harry a thing

Ron: let's


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