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{D/n means daughter's name and s/n means son's name}

Harry Potter and y/n Potter had d/n and s/n the first set of twins the kids then they had James and Albus another set of twins and then they finally had Lily Potter after a year later after having James and Albus

{Explanation: D/n Hermione Potter and s/n Sirius Potter are 14 and James Dumbledore Potter and Albus Bradley Potter are 10 and Lily Luna Potter is 9}

As for Hermione and Ron they got married as well and had kids named Brittany Granger-Weasley and Hugo Weasley and Kylee Weasley

{Explanation: Brie Granger-Weasley is 12 and Hugo Weasley is 10 and Kylee is 9}

Now let's commence with the story
[14 years later]

At Hogwarts train station

Brittany holding hands with Harry while walking as their kids walk ahead of them

D/n: come on slow pokes I can't wait for you to join us at school

S/n: trust me it's exciting to have Professor Otis's class

James: who is Professor Otis?

Albus: I think he's a professor at Hogwarts James

Lily: well I hope you guys have fun I'll joining next year

Then enter Hermione and Ron and their kids

Brie waves to Rosey from a distance with Hugo behind her and Kylee as well

They walk walk to the Potter house hold

Ron: blime Harry you have 5 kids

Harry: *rubs the back of his neck* sorry if most of them are twins Ron

Y/n: sorry to burst you're bubble Ron but Hermione is pregnant

Hermione: y/n I told you not to tell him

Ron was shocked

Harry: lemme guess you're pregnant too? *Looking at y/n his wife*

Y/n: definitely not I think 5 is a good number

Hermione and Ron's and Brittany and Harry's kids but Lily and Kylee hug their parents goodbye and get on the train as the train leaves the parents say goodbye to their kids

When the train leaves the train station

Y/n: I hope their going to be okay

Lily: don't worry mom they'll be fine *hugging y/n*

Harry: I agree with Lily darling they'll be fine *puts his arm around y/n and holds her close to him*

Hermione and Ron leave with Kylee while talking to Hermione's pregnancy

Y/n and Harry and Lily go home

And lily goes upstairs

Harry holds his y/n close to him and looks in her eyes

Harry: remember my promise?

Y/n: yes

Harry: what was my promise then my love?

Y/n: *sighs* you'll never leave me

Harry: well y/n since then I knew you'll be my forever but would like to stay with me until the end?

Y/n: isn't that why I married my sweet husband?

Harry: indeed my lovely wife

y/n: always and forever?

Harry: always with y/n and love you forever

Y/n: *smiles* forever and always my love

They share a kiss then pull away smiling at each other


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