🪄Year 1: Chapter 4🪄

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Y/n is reading in the library with Hermione eventually Harry came in the library

Harry: y/n we have to practice for the quidditch is later today

Y/n: okay thanks *looking up from the book*

Hermione: shush guys *continues to read*

Harry: come one y/n

Y/n: alright bye Hermione *gets up and leaves with Harry out of the library*

Harry: what's with everyone yesterday?

Y/n: I don't know honestly it was weird

Harry: I know it was that why I wasn't sure if it just me or not

Y/n: definitely not Harry

Harry: I feel like we're not going to have a normal day at all

They went to the first quidditch match and of course Gryffindor won against Slytherin


137 words woah not a lot like a hoped

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