🪄Year 5: Chapter 1🪄

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Y/n spends time Harry and Hermione and Ron and the rest of her adopted family but what she really wanted is for her kids and herself to meet Sirius her biological father for Christmas but she didn't know where he was that was the problem

After Christmas break was over Harry and Hermione and Ron and Ginny and Fred and George and y/n with the twins return back to back to Hogwarts

Y/n refused to be in quidditch again and continues being a student 

After a week being back at Hogwarts Harry finally asks y/n to be his girlfriend and y/n says no at first

The 2 week Harry asked her out on a date and she says yes and then he takes her it was extremely romantic then he asked her again if y/n would like to be his girlfriend and this time y/n said yes to dating Harry

A year pass by at Hogwarts

Harry was now officially 16 and so was as well y/n both officially have been together for half a year they already celebrated their anniversary and enjoyed themselves

At quidditch stadium

Y/n: Harry?

Harry: yes babe?

Y/n: I...

Harry: *nods for her to continue*

y/n: I... Love you

Harry was at first shocked but then smiled and held her in a hug with his arms and finally spoke

Harry: y/n I love you too

y/n: you promise?

Harry: I promise y/n I'll never leave you

They share a kiss

He kept his promise to her and stayed with her until they end but things didn't last forever or did they?


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