🪄Year 2: Chapter 3🪄

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Weeks later after the that song

Next morning

Ron wakes up to every student surrounding him and laughing at his face

Ron: why is everyone laughing? *He moves his hand and it touches his head and then realizes whipped cream was on his hand now on his forehead* real mature guys

Every student in the Gryffindor common is still laughing at him

Y/n enters

Y/n: *sees Ron* oh blime Ron nice haircut and choice of tattoo all over you're face

Ron: wait what *he gets up off the couch and runs to the bathrooms*

George: *laughs* sorry it's funny

Fred: it's just a little prank

Y/n: it's fine just be careful next time

George: I know sis but what's our punishment?

Fred: how bad is our punishment?

Y/n: I have to talk to Ginny and molly first before anything *she exists*

Harry: I'll talk to her *he leaves running after y/n*

Y/n: yes Harry?

Harry: please y/n don't let your brothers get into trouble

Y/n: first of all Molly asked me too and second Harry I know you're looking out for my brothers but please as sister I have to tell them because that's my job Harry James Potter

Harry: *says nothing*

Y/n walks off

Harry returns back to Gryffindor common room

George: ooo someone is in trouble right Harry?

Fred: we heard the whole conversation you okay?

Hermione: Harry?

Harry leaves to go to boys Gryffindor bedroom and lays on his bed

Neville:  Harry are you alright?

Harry: I think so to be honest

Neville: that's good I think Soo how's class with advanced magical mythic going for you?

Harry: honestly somewhat easy but some spells you have to translate into a whole different language to understand it to pronounce it right

Neville: oh that how hard to me *rubs the back of his neck*

Harry: yeah too you most advanced students find it easy for them to perform the spell the cast

Neville: alright then bye Harry *walks off*

Harry: bye Neville *falls asleep*

Next day

Harry gets up and runs downstairs to see Hermione and y/n in the Gryffindor common room talking

Harry: so what's up

Y/n: no much

Hermione: honestly Harry you come on the worst timing ever

Harry: what do you mean?

Y/n: were having summer break tomorrow professor McGonagall made the announcement this morning and you weren't there for it

Harry: I slept in?

Hermione and y/n just nod

Y/n: good thing classes were cancelled today for that announcement she made it was pretty long

Hermione: true

Harry: how long was her announcement?

Y/n: it was a huge announcement besides that it was so long it was practically lunch time in the great hall

Harry: oh

Hermione: yeah 'oh' Harry

Y/n: Min clam down it's not the end of world if I missed this just this once

Hermione: fine *she huffed and walks away*

Harry: thanks y/n

y/n: no problem harry

Harry: well what now?

Brittany shrugs and then gets up and leaves the Gryffindor Common Room and Harry runs after y/n


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