Ch-10 A happy ending

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(Now this is the story of future mahi after present mahi has left)

Mahi sent the recording to bcci and talked with them and explained them everything. He also said that he didn't want to take the player's name as he was forced and it wasn't his mistake and that mahi had already dealt with him.
He then went to eshank's room and told him about the recording he has sent and how he hasn't taken his name, wanting to give him another chance.

"But you will have to confess it in from of everyone else and ask them to forgive you" mahi said.
"But if they tell someone?" Eshank asked.
"They will not tell, they are good people and if you be honest with them they will forgive you." Mahi said.
"Have you forgiven me?" Eshank asked.
"First go and talk with them" mahi answered.

Eshank nodded and he and mahi went to virat's room.
"Mahi bhai you here?" Virat asked "and eshank" he added quietly not really caring about him.

"Virat eshank and i have something important to tell. Ask everyone to meet in the team room in ten minutes, we will be waiting there."

Virat nodded wondering what they would want to tell and texted everyone to come and meet in the team room.

After everyone had arrived, mahi nodded looking at eshank.
After a little hesitation, eshank told everyone the truth about how he had tried to break the bond between others and mahi but then realized his msitake and that he was truly sorry.
Mahi then told everyone about three people who were in the bcci and had asked his uncle to make him do these things.

"Can you all forgive me?" Eshank asked.
Everyone looked at each other not sure what to say.

"Have you really realized your mistake?" Bhuvi asked him.
Eshank nodded. "I have and i am feeling extremely bad to try and come between you all, believe me I am regretting it very much."

"I do believe you or else you wouldn't have helped mahi bhai" Bhuvi said. "i forgive you" he added.
Virat looked at him, shocked to see Bhuvi easily forgiving him. But Bhuvi just smiled reassuringly and nodded.
"Me too" virat said.
And then everyone agreed to forgive him since virat and Bhuvi had.

"I am also sorry for not believing in you all" mahi said. "I should have, i acted like a bad big brother."
"Bhai it's okay" again it was Bhuvi to speak first. Everyone else agreed. Mahi looked expectantly at virat and rohit who still hadn't said anything. When virat saw mahi looking at him, he simply looked away.

Mahi realized that he was able to gain forgiveness from others but it would be hard to get it from virat and rohit. And he knew that he didn't deserve also, but was determined to try his best.

They all decided to stay there and talk for sometime and this time everyone included eshank though some were still unsure but it was better than before.

After sometime when it was late, everyone decided to go to their room.
"Rohit, virat can you stay for a moment i want to talk with you two?" Mahi asked as everyone had begun to leave.
Virat was starting to leave but rohit shook his head. He wanted to give mahi bhai a chance to explain.

After everyone had gone, mahi asked "can you two forgive me?"

"What do you think?" Asked virat "after trusting someone else over us?"

"I know i shouldn't have done that" mahi said. "i have nothing to say in my defense except that i should have believe you and shouldn't have behaved like that with you two."

"Great so now we can go right?" Virat asked starting to leave.
"Virat please" mahi said
"We never thought that you would believe someone else over us, you know? We felt so bad and disappointed. And it's just not about me and rohit. You don't know how much your behaviour hurt harry and yuzi, kul, jassi and others. Maybe they forgave you so easily because they had enough of staying apart from you but i dont think we can just forgive you. I am sorry."

"I know you both cannot forgive me easily. But believe me I am truly sorry."
"But how could you believe someone else over us?" Ro asked mahi.
Mahi sighed and then told them about how he was feeling like there was a gap coming between him and virat and how he tried to find virat in eshank.

"Please cheeku ro forgive me." Mahi said after confessing everything.
After listening to his story, virat did realize that he was also feeling the same. There were frequent fights after he had become captain.Virat looked at mahi for sometime and then went and hugged him
"I also felt like it" he confessed.
"And i sometimes even thought that we can never be like before."
Mahi signalled ro to also join them and he obliged.

"I am so sorry, please forgive me" mahi again said.
"We will, if you promise us something" vi said.
"Anything" mahi said.
"You have to take everyone of us out for dinner for the whole week" ro continued and vi nodded.
"Okay promise" mahi said.
"Bhai by the way i have a question" vi said.
"Yeah ask"
"In morning, you had come in my room and you know why were you talking weirdly about stopping some prank, what was that about?"
Mahi remembered that he had been told by his past self about how he had thought it was s
a prank and asked virat about it.
"I don't know what you are talking about cheeku, you must be mistaken." Mahi answered.
"No i am not, you were there talking weirdly."
"I am not remembering what you are talking about, cheeku." Mahi again said trying to convince him.

But luckily ro interrupted "leave all this, let's go and sleep it's too late." Virat wanted to protest more but he realized that he was also feeling asleep and let the topic go.

The next day mahi went to everyone and said sorry personally and everyone. He also went to eshank and told him that he has forgiven him after realizing that he was just doing all this under pressure and made him promise to never do anything like that again no matter who asks. Then the team decided to play video games and watch movies together the whole day. Then at night they went out and enjoyed the dinner.
And after a while everyone had started to accept eshank also and he also started to feel like a family member.

In present, mahi had been careful about the three members and with a little bit of influence didn't let them join bcci. Also he left captaincy in 2017 in January and let virat do everything he wanted and only gave him advice when needed. This made their relation even stronger and nothing bad happened between them. Soon eshank also came in the team and became friends with others quickly and nothing wrong happened.

Like this the present and the future both were safe and the ict stayed happily dominating the cricket world.

A/n: so finally, another book has been completed.
I hope you liked this and thank you for giving my book a chance and the comments and votes.

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