𝟯: Jaemin

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Jeno can't get Jaemin out of his head. It has never happened to him. Jeno has never met a person who isn't reacting even when he should be in the state where he sweats, thinks of his own desires...

As such thing bothers Jeno a lot, he can't help but choose to seek help from his father. He kneels in front of his bed and whispers his father's name under his breath.

"Asmodeus, my father, I want to see your presence here in my room when I'm still alone."

It takes only a few seconds for the demon to appear. Even when Jeno is used to seeing his father, one thought never fails to cross his mind.

Damn, he's ugly as hell.

Jeno is glad that his father can't read minds and doesn't know that he's not really that handsome. But why does he need to be handsome? He's a demon!

"What is it my son?" the demon talks with all four of his heads.

"Something happened. My power doesn't work on one human."


"I don't know," Jeno shakes his head. "The male I'm trying to play with ignores everything I'm doing."


"I know! Because of that, I feel addicted to him. I want to see him getting those sexual desires like anyone else!"

All eight eyes blink at the same time. It's a usual sight for Jeno, though sometimes he still finds it disturbing.

"You know the human race better than me," the demon speaks in four voices. "Try harder and you'll find out."

"Even I'm confused, though."

"There are people who can't be controlled by demons. Either they're very religious or are protected by their angels."

"I doubt that he has an angel with him. I haven't seen any aura around him."


"I know!"

Jeno whips his head to the door all of a sudden as he hears the key. He glances back at his father who disappears into a thin air even though Jeno is the one who can see him.

Renjun walks inside and freezes when his eyes land on Jeno who's kneeling in front of his bed.

"I didn't know you were religious," the boy says surprised.

"I used to be," Jeno laughs it off as he stands up.

"Anyway! Today I met up with one guy. He's super friendly and he is a medical student. I think I need to introduce you two. Boys from different courses being friends sounds fun!"

"Introduce me to him sometime," Jeno says enthusiastically, even when he doesn't care.

"Sure thing!"

The introducing part happens quite early. Renjun drags Jeno into a cafe just the next day. The half-human, half-demon feels weird to be controlled by an embodiment of innocence, especially when his specialty is lust.

Nevertheless, he listens to Renjun well and even sits down. While waiting for the new friend, they check the menu. They purposely take their time on that, exploring every page just so that the new friend could order together with them.

"Sorry for being late. My professor held me up."

"Jaemin!" Renjun chirps.

Jeno lifts his head faster than he ever did. He stares at the blue-haired male who is hugging Renjun now. Both of them seem warm around each other which makes Jeno frown. Aren't they practically strangers?

"Jeno, this is the med student I told you about, Jaemin! A very nice guy!" Renjun says as he turns to his actual friend.

Jeno stands up to shake Jaemin's hand. The human's hand turns out to be warm. His skin is thicker than Jeno's but incredibly soft.

The handshake happens smoothly. Both of them are doing that confidently.

"Jaemin, this is my friend and roommate Jeno," Renjun says.

"Renjun said that you're studying architecture," Jaemin speaks in a deep voice. Way deeper than Jeno has matched with his appearance. "I have a few friends in that course, but I've never seen you."

Weird because Jeno is pretty sure that Jaemin looked at him when they were in the library before. It seems like this guy either has a bad memory or doesn't give much meaning to his surroundings.

"It's because I'm a quiet person," Jeno explains as shortly as possible.

"I can understand you. I'm not always the loudest myself," Jaemin laughs and lets go of Jeno's hand. "I express myself with people I'm close with, so sorry in advance if I look cold."

They sit down then with Renjun in the middle. The latter looks happy as if introducing the two was his biggest mission. He even initiates the conversations and makes the two become friends.

Jeno sees that Jaemin is still staying away from him, although he looks just fine with Renjun. He can't help but guess that Renjun's innocence always draws people to him. However, that's not what he cares about. Jeno is still confused about the new male friend. He tries to analyze Jaemin but there's nothing weird about him apart from the fact that Jeno's powers don't work on him.

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