Kronos/Saturn= Harvest and Time

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A request from MeMyselfAndI082907
Sacred Animal: Snake

—Pause: Can pause time on command. Can leave whatever or whoever they want unpaused. No one ages while time is paused. All other time powers do not work while time is paused. Takes nearly no effort, as it's gets stronger the more it is used.
—Chrono-Prophet: able to see the future. Also able to use psychometry, the psychic ability to see something's history through touch.
—Cannibal Hunter: Can sense monsters and those who eat their own.
—Rewind: Able to rewind the time of objects to whatever age the user wants. Rewinding the living is temporary, unless the rewinded changes something in their bodies past. (A/N: for example; If someone has a broken arm, the user could rewind it a week, but the rewinded would have to do something like get a minor injury, shaving, or having a allergic reaction, etc, or the broken arm will come back out of nowhere in the time frame of the week that was rewinded.)
—Scythe Sovereign and Sickle Swayer: Are prodigies with scythes and sickles. Can create, alter, enchant, customize, and control sickles/scythes of any kind with their minds. The amount they can summon and control depends on them. Magical, technological, mystical, and otherworldly are included.
—Temporal Speedster: able to alter their time in Conjunction with the time around them, allowing them to move at a speed close to the speed of light. However, this power's strength is dependent on the user and they're unable to run on water, run up buildings, create tornados, channel and control bodily vibrations, etc.
—Harvester Herald: able to create, alter, enchant, and manipulate all forms of plant life.
—Fast Foward: Can see the future of whoever they look into the eyes of if the want. What they see isn't set in stone.
—Remedy Rewind: Can rewind a body's physical state before an injury. The user can even heal severed limbs.
—Back-Up Harvest: Able to draw nutrients they need from the surrounding plant life just in case they have no food.
—Count Clockula: Always knows what time it is from any time zone and they have a superhuman temporal awareness.
—Chrono Cutter: Able to enchant weapons to slow opponents down and speed the user up.
—Retched Revenge: Able to curse other people to throw up at the user's command.
—Temporal Sniper: Can generate and manipulate temporal energy, allowing them to do things like shoot blasts of golden energy that pause, rewind, fast forward, or slow down whatever they hit, depending on the user's intentions.
—Rhetoric Manipulation: Able to speak into the minds and dreams of others to manipulate them. This enables them to also mentally message other living creatures on command regardless of distance.
—Prophet Of The Plants: Can see, hear, and smell anything the plant life under their control can.
—On My Time: Able to control their own personal time, letting them freeze it, fast forward it, or rewind it, allowing them to control their age, slow down bleeding out, and gain pseudo-superhuman movement.
—Time Compression: Able to compress time of anything within an area, but they have to choose what's temporally getting compressed. Living organisms do not age unless the user wants them too. This means the user could complete for example per say 6 months of physical training in one day.
—Duration Domination: Able to alter, control, and manipulate the duration of anything they're aware of.
—Temporal Traveler: Can Teleport through time and space. Able to travel through their own personal timeline with no major consequences. Going beyond that could have catastrophic consequences if they're not careful. Going back in time will have their precognition kick in as it will direct them from messing up the timeline too badly
—Chrono-Overclock: Able to control the time of their body on a cellular level, letting them control the speed of the mind and bodily processes, allowing them to accelerate/decelerate any of their physiological functions and coordination and kick them into overdrive
—Plant Prime: Able to use the proportional physical attributes of any kind of plant life on command
—Time Overdrive: Can percieve, is always constantly absorbing and generating, redirect, and manipulate temporal energy. They can use this energy to enhance their powers, fly/levitate, trap others in time loops, trap them in temporal stutters, and basically manipulate time in any creative way the user can think of.
—Chloral King: Able to use the shape shift into, partially channel/shape-shift into, and use and manipulate the powers and abilities of ANY normal and magical, otherworldly, and mystical plant life they can conceptualize, meaning, Karpoi, nymphs, Yggdrasil, and much more.
—Blade-Boarding: Able to fly/levitate by controlling the riding scythes and/or sickles. Less draining the time energy levitation
—Chronomancer: Able to use and wield time magic of any kind.

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