C h a p t e r 2 1

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The six of us sat around the newly refurbished kitchen table. Officer Davis was swiftly jotting down every detail Callum gave of the incident. This was the third time we had to retell the story and every time I felt a sense of dread. I wanted it to be over and never think about it again. Montes arm was wrapped around me, his fingers drew light circles on my back doing his best to distract me.

"Miss was there anything else you wanted to add? Any minor details can help Jax's time go up."

"You would think kidnapping someone would be enough for life in prison." Monte scoffed. He nuzzled my neck to find his own comfort while I stiffened at the mention of his name out of officer Davis's mouth.

"N-no. I told you everything already officer there's nothing else." I murmured out. Greyson's face was beyond annoyed. His fist was clenched tightly making his knuckles go white.

The officers chair scraped backwards against the wood floor as he stood up.

"Thank you again for your time. You'll be hearing from me if anything changes. Good day." Davis saw himself out. Once the front door close an audible breathe of relief escaped everyone's mouth.

Luca sighed out, "I'm sick of this. I'm ready for it to be over." Callum nuzzled his hair teasingly.

"It will be Luca."

I looked down at my lap in frustration. How could I not feel like a burden when all this is my fault? Greyson... he was hurt. And it's because of me and my baggage that I brought into their lives. After they were so kind to take me in at my lowest point and this is how I repay them?

"Hey," Monte grabbed my chin and gently forced it up,  "you don't need to feel guilty. None of this is your fault you can't control the actions of others and them knowing you doesn't make this your burden." He leaned his face towards mine and our lips touched. The kiss was soft, gentle, and needy.

"How do you always know what to say?" I whispered out after our lips parted. Monte only laughed before standing up. "How about we go on a walk around the ranch? It's a nice day out and we can all check on the horses." A choir of agreement filled the room and everyone dispersed to get changed.

It was just Greyson and I left at the table. It's still hard for me to meet his gaze after what happened.

"Hey, look at me." He called out. I forced myself to meet his eyes.

"He's right you know. None of us blame you. I don't blame you." He stood up and came to my side of the table  embracing me tightly.

"I was just so scared. I still am." I nuzzled myself in his arms desperate to just keep him there so I'd always know if I was okay.

"Plus I'm stronger than you think princess. A little scrap like that can't take me down." He had a cheeky smile adorned on his face.

"I wouldn't call that a scratch. But yes you are insanely strong." I pecked his lips blushing as I did so. Greyson had the goofiest looking smile on his face so contagious that I found myself smiling too.

"Let's go get ready then." Greyson stood up and I followed suit. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. Splashing my face with water before heading downstairs. I heard them all talking, laughing and joking around with each other. They were already waiting for me in the back yard.

I ran outside and jumped at Adam. He was startled for a moment but his right arm snaked around my waist.

"Hi princess you ready?" I nodded my head yes as we began to walk towards the horses stable. I stopped for a moment and they all turned to look at me in confusion.

"I-I'm thankful for you guys... I'm glad I met you all and I- I- love you all so much! I just wanted to tell you guys that..." I murmured out shyly. Adam scooped me up and swung me around before planting a kiss on my mouth.

"We love you too Avery. Forever and always." I looked at each and everyone of them. Their beautiful faces that never failed to smile at me. I nodded my head feeling complete bliss. We started to walk again. One of my hands was on Adams and the other in Callums as we headed to the stable. We all went through something traumatic. Something life changing. It will take a while for these wounds to fully heal, but they will because we have our love for each other. I nodded my head to myself, determine to let the lass go and embrace all the good I have in my life.

The sun beamed down on us as we walked through the bright green grass. A smile never left my face. I never imagined myself here, I was just an abused girl with a horrible father. Battered and broken. I never knew how much love I had to share and how much love I would be given in order to put myself back together.

And I'll be forever thankful.


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