C h a p t e r 4

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Luca walked back down the stairs where the rest of the boys sat waiting.

"It seems we have a lot to discuss don't we." Callum stated as Luca finally sat down.

"What are discussing?" Monte asked Callum.

"I think it's obvious on what we should do." Greyson chimed in.

"What exactly are we proposing?" Luca chimed in clearly confused like Monte.

With everyone talking at once Callum silenced them, "Enough." He paused waiting for them to be quiet, "It's simple, Avery has run away. In essence she is homeless. We have a house. I think it's quite obvious of what I'm proposing here. She should stay" Callum calmly spoke.

The boys pondered the thought while nodding their heads.

"Where would she sleep?" Luca asked.

"She'll have to sleep with Callum he's the only one with an extra bed in his room" Greyson said with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"And what of our relationship." Monte asked. Although he had taken a liking to the girl just like the rest he was hesitant to let the girl stay, worrying about what this would mean for the boys relationship.

"Correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe we all have an unusual attraction to her. I know I do. Just like we share each other, I propose we share her." The boys all stared at Callum knowing they all felt a similar attraction to Avery.

"But you get her all to yourself Callum" Luca muttered.

"I will be the one to introduce her to our... unique relationship. We can't slam it on her we need to slowly ease her into it and hope she excepts it" Callum's point seemed logical to all of them.

"And if she rejects us?" Adam finally spoke out.

"I refuse to let that happen." Greyson gritted out.

"Jesus Greyson there's this thing called consent you know" Luca said laughing. The boys all chuckled along with him.

"So it's settled then?" Callum asked.

They boys all nodded in agreement.

"Someone to take care of and someone to take care of us. It's different with just men. We are brutes all of us. We know we can all take care of ourselves. But her, she's a delicate little thing. Something to hold. She'd provide a different type of love. Softer. Gentler. Do you think she could like brutes like us?" Adam said while standing up.

"Do you think she could?" Callum challenged him.

Adam began to walk towards the back door,

"I hope so." He said finally leaving.

"Wait does this mean we can't fuck each other until she knows?" Luca asked them.

"Behind closed doors. If she loves us individually there should be no problem with her accepting that we all love each other including her" Greyson answered him.

"She is delicate isn't she. It's...adorable. She's someone I want to squeeze and cuddle with. You guys I love just as well but Adams right it's just different. Of course male lovers will be different from female lovers in some ways, but that goes for everyone not just a gender" Monte rambled on.

"You're getting to philosophical on me Monte" Luca joked around. Luca being the youngest was always the jokester of the five boys as he was the most immature. They all loved him and his humor.

Foot steps were heard coming down the stairs. The remaining four boys watched as Avery descended down. She was wearing Adams basketball shorts that were rolled up a few times so that they weren't as baggy, along with one of Adams old shirts that was tied at the corner so that it wouldn't cover the shorts.

"Thank you for letting me shower" Avery said after she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"We can wash your old clothes for you later" Callum told her. She nodded in response.

"And after that I'll be out of your hair. Thank you for everything, the food, clothes, and your hospitality." Avery gave them all a grateful smile.

"It was no problem at all." Greyson told her.

"Sit down please Avery." Callum told her. Her face scrunched in confusion as she hesitantly sat down at the table.

"Uh, yes?" She asked.

"We have a proposition." Callum began.

"I see. What is it?" Avery asked while leaning in closer, clearly intrigued.

"Live with us. We've discussed it and the thought of you wondering alone any longer does nothing but cause us anxiety and nervousness. We have room and plenty of money we can get you clothes and you'll be able to live here." Avery was shocked by Callum's words. They were not at all what she was expecting him to say.

"How much?" Avery asked.

"What?" Greyson chimed in.

"How much a month?" Avery asked again.

"Nothing." Callum said to her.

"What do you want then." Avery asked hesitantly.

"Nothing." Callum said again.

"Why? Why let me stay here if you get nothing out of it. I don't trust it." Avery said standing up.

"Well, my morals wont allow it. You are on your own, literally wondering the streets homeless and I can help you. And since I can why shouldn't I? You seem nice, I trust that you won't steal and if you really felt guilty living free of charge it would be nice if you could help around the house as a form of payment." Callum said.

"It's hard to believe such kind people exist." Avery whispered out to them.

"Well we are fewer and fewer every passing day, so would you like to stay?" Callum asked one last time a genuine smile grew on his face.

A smile lit up on Avery's own face and she ran into Callum arms.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She was giggling relentlessly as she went around the table hugging all the boys.

She didn't know it, but the price of her living at the Aires Ranch was a costly price.

The price would be her heart.

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