C h a p t e r 5

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The Disney songs rang through the house as the residents of the Ranch house sat huddled on their ginormous couch. They sat comfortably and snuggled against one another with Avery right between Adam and Luca.

Avery sang along with Rapunzel as they watched the movie Tangled-upon Avery's request of course.

The boys watched her more then they did the movie, admiring her singing and adorable little dances.

Once the movie had come to an end they realized she had peacefully fallen asleep and rested on Adam. Her head was resting under his arm which he had wrapped around her and her arms were snaked around his torso.

Adam was the more reserved of the boys, he didn't speak much as he didn't feel it necessary to do so. In this moment however, Adam was comfortable, dare he say happy, that this tiny beauty had fallen asleep on him. Her body was providing not only warmth but a strange yet welcome comfort. Adams moments of bliss were interrupted by Greyson, who was clearly longing for Avery to be cuddled up next to him instead of Adam.

"I suppose we should take her to bed." Greyson turned off the Tv and began to sit up. Walking over to Adam to take her.

"I know you have your doubts about this whole situation I'll take her don't worry" Greyson said to Adam.

Adam snaked his arms around Avery holding her tightly to him,

"I'll take her." Was all he said while standing up and walking up the stairs. The boys just watched and Callum cracked a small smile. Hope spread through him that everything about this situation would work out.

The boys began to clean up around downstairs before they all headed up to bed themselves.

Adam walked into Callum's room pushing the door open with his hip and gently set Avery down on the spare bed. He sat at the edge of the bed and grabbed the covers, gently placing them over her to tuck her in. Cautiously he laid down for a moment next to her tracing her arm softly to which she scooted closer to him and curled her body around him. Her tiny hands gently grabbed his shirt to ensure he would stay. He chuckled, which surprised even himself.

He was weary of her appearance at the ranch before. He didn't trust people easily especially not beautiful people like Avery. They left, and it always hurt. Adam hated to be with anyone else but his lover's whom he lived with. However, he knew undeniably that he wanted to protect and love Avery. Although he'd never admit it to anyone, he was scared. Scared to love, and scared to not be loved back. He stroked Avery's hair as she was still clinging on to him.

This small act ignited hope within Adam, hope that she would stay.

Callum walked in ruining the moment, but Adam didn't mind. He wanted to leave just as much as he wanted to stay.

"She seems to like you even in her sleep" Callum said laughing at Avery's tight grip on Adams shirt.

"I suppose so..." Adam said with a ghostly smile on his face.

"And what about you, do you like her?"

Adam would never in his dreams answer this verbally he simply nodded and stood up watching Avery's hand fall down onto the bed. He quickly tucked her arm back in and readjusted her covers walking out of the room.

"That boy" Callum said looking at the door. He shook his head and began to take of his shirt and pants to go to bed. He glanced over at the sleeping girl one last time and went to bed himself. He was unable to stop smiling in his sleep that night as whenever he closed his eyes images of her smile and her laughter filled his thoughts.

Callum woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He reached over with his left hand and turned it off closing his eyes once again. His arm wrapped tighter around Avery's waist and he snuggled into her.

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