C h a p t e r 7

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Callum walked back downstairs after checking in on Greyson and Avery. That idiot ended up falling asleep with her instead of helping them unload the truck. It was 2:30 pm he'll let them sleep for an hour or so.

"I'll feed the horses lunch then" Adam said walking out of the house through the back door.

Callum sighed. He was so uptight, especially when he has to think about the past.

Callum felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I wish he would open up more. I think that would make him happier." Luca mumbled out looking at the back door where Adam left.

Callum only sighed in response not having to verbally state that he agrees since they all know it's the truth.

"Well lets get to work. We do still have a show Saturday."

"Shit, I forgot!" Monte said. The three boys went out the back door after Adam to start readying the horses for their show. Saddles, food, trotting around, hooves check. Just task that have become so simple over the years.

Avery squirmed in her sleep, nestling closer to the human body holding her closer. She snuggled her head against their chest earning a chuckle from them.

Groggily she opened her eyes to see Greyson.

"Sorry!" She chirped out quietly. He gave her a smile so charming her heart felt as if it was going to burst.

"It's no problem at all princess." He leaned in slowly to her her face,  causing butterflies to swarm in her stomach and her cheeks instantly heated up. He kissed the corner of her lips shocking her completely.

Neither said anything for a moment and all Greyson did was smile at her before jumping up, startling her.

"Well that's enough of that let's get up shall we?" Greyson asked her. She merely nodded her head still flustered but took the hand he had outstretched to her. Together they walked down the stairs hand in hand but no one was around.

"Did they leave?" Avery asked him.

"No they are tending to the horses probably for the show Saturday." He told her beginning to walk towards the back yard.

"Show?" She looked up at him questioningly.

"Yes, we have shows so buyers can see which horses they'd like. We make a lot of money from this, horses are very expensive after all especially thoroughbreds." You could hear the excitement in his voice.

"I see! That all sounds very exciting." Avery chimed in.

"Ah, there they are. Our two sleeping beauties." Monte said chuckling at them. Greyson playfully nudged him.

"Princess, I have a task for you." Monte turned to her.

"Of course! Anything to help!" She quickly replied.

"Well I'll be starting in my own work then, I'll see you later lovely." Greyson waved at Avery and walked towards the bigger stable.

"You'll be nursing the newborns today. Well, the two whose mothers were sold." He told her.

"That's so sad! They don't have a mother?" Avery felt a pain in her heart at this.

"They do now, they have you." Monte told her smiling. She couldn't help but smile as well.

She followed Monte to one of the stables to see two tiny horses.

"They are so adorable!" She ran over to them and lightly stroked their backs. They wobbled around happily. Avery hadn't even realized Monte walked away until he came back with two bottles.

She positioned both horses carefully over her lap and grabbed the two bottles beginning to feed them.

"This is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life my heart is literally going to explode Monte!" He laughed at her excitement.

"I'd have to agree. This is the cutest thing I've ever seen, two young foals nestled up to a beautiful women. What more could a man ask for in life." The butterflies came back to her stomach once again and she shyly looked away.

"You're even more adorable when you blush." Monte said with a wink.

"I'll check up on you in about 20 minutes there's a few other things I need to do."

Avery just nodded her head and sat patiently admiring the horses in front of her. She felt like she was in a dream.

"All you have to do now is learn how to ride one." A voice said from behind her. She crained her neck to the side to see Luca leaning against the stable door staring at her.

"Damn, this is a sight to be behold." Luca walked over to her.

"They are so adorable Luca, I simply cannot!" She exclaimed happily.

Luca sat beside her for a while and they talked casually.

"Luca?" Avery asked clearly unsure.

"Yes? What is it?"

"I made Adam upset didn't I. I don't know what to do." It was clear that this was troubling her.

"It's difficult to explain. Adam had a hard childhood, and he just doesn't like to talk or even think about is all. Don't feel bad." Luca gently rubbed her back in reassurance.

"Don't feel bad? I feel worse then bad I feel awful. I- I shouldn't have been so nosy... I didn't mean to hurt his feelings or make him upset. I don't know how to fix it." Her shoulders slumped and Luca stood still for a moment unsure of what to say. He was the jokester of the group. He was never good at being serious, it made him nervous.

"Hey hey, it's alright he'll come around I promise." Luca gave her arm a light reassuring squeeze.

"Princess I'm back." Monte said interrupting Avery and Luca's conversation.

Monte hadn't  yet noticed Adam standing close to the stable door so Adam quickly walked away. Troubled himself that the poor girl was troubled because of him. He hated himself. Hated how he couldn't handle such a stupid question as asking how he met the boys. He hated how he acted in most situations. Most of all, he hated that he was the reason for her troubles. His hands ran through his hair frustrated.

"Dammit!" He muttered to himself. He ruins everything.

"Guys, what's Adams favorite food?" Avery put the two bottles that she used away and walked out of the stable.

"He has lots, I know he loves Pesto pasta and omelets too, although I can't remember what kind-" Luca broke off.

"Vegetarian." Monte chimed in.

"That's right! Vegetarian Omelets. He likes sushi too. Well we all do actually but not anything fancy just those rolls." Avery nodded her head.

Sushi seemed a little hard but pasta and omelets she could defiantly make! They say a way to a mans heart is through his stomach. Hopefully that's true...

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