C h a p t e r 1 1

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As usual, chaos filled the house hold. With grown men and a young women in the mix of it all there's no surprise that every time of the day something was always happening on the ranch.

Today the boys had a few buyers coming to the ranch to inspect and hopefully purchase horses. While they ran around like headless chickens outside I was tidying up the inside of the house to make it presentable. The boys and I did the serious cleaning yesterday so as of now I was just detailing and making sure the house was presentable.

I also took it upon myself to bake a few batches of chocolate chip cookies to hopefully destress the situation.

I glanced at the microwave clock to see the time.

10:46, Callum had told me the buyers should be arriving at 11:00.

"Very soon then" I sighed out while taking the cookies out of the oven to let them cool.

Five minutes later I was placing them on a light blue china plate and placing them on the dining room table. I heard the back door open and slam shut signaling the boys would be coming in soon.

"Is that cookies I smell?" Luca shouted from the other room. A slight chuckle escaped my lips.

"Yes, Luca. Chocolate chip to be exact" only seconds later and Luca was in the dining room eating two cookies. When he saw the giant plate of cookies he couldn't help but laugh.

"Jeez, I know there's a lot of us but you didn't need to bake cookies for a whole army Avery"

"Have you boys seen yourselves eat? You all act like a pack of blood thirsty wolves!" Luca couldn't disagree with me there and continued to laugh and eat more cookies.

"True." He said while grabbing another. The back door once again opened and slammed shut and Greyson's voice rang throughout the house.

"Do I smell cookies?"

I chuckled once again and told him to come to the dining room.

"Oh god these look heavenly Avery." Greyson shoved an entire cookie into this mouth and moaned at the taste.

"Oh god I'm in love." Greyson again shoved a whole ass cookie into his mouth. I stared at him with my mouth agape.

"You eat like an animal good god." I finally said. I swatted Greyson and Luca away from the cookies.

"Leave some for the guest you pigs!" They whined and complained as I pushed them into the living room away from the cookies. As I get back to the kitchen Monte was already there shoveling cookies into his mouth.

"Monte! They aren't all for you! Goddamn I really should have made enough cookies for an army" I muttered out the last sentence while Monte gave me a cheeky smile.

"Sorry, they just taste so delicious! Chocolate chip cookies are my weakness!" I smiled at him and promised to make more another time while I pushed him out of the kitchen just like the other two.

"It's 11:00 so stay away from the cookies and greet the guest!" I yelled at them.

I didn't know Callum was even in the house until the door bell rang and his voice sounded throughout the house.

"Hello gentlemen welcome!" Callum began to guide 8 men through the house.

"Thank you for coming out today, as you know we have 12 thoroughbreds for sale 9 going for 2,800 and the other 3 horses for 3,000. We have 2 Chestnut horses one a mare and one a filly, 5 bay horses 3 mares, 1 gelding, and one filly, 3 Grey horses two filly's and one mare, and lastly 2 black horses both mares." Callum explained to the men while I carefully listened trying to comprehend the business terms he was using.

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