C h a p t e r 8

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Laughter rang through the house as pots and pans clanked in the kitchen. In the kitchen Avery with the help of Greyson, Monte, and Luca were creating pasta. They joked and teased one another flinging various foods at the others faces.

"What a sight, I could get used to this" Callum stood leaning against the doorway to the kitchen.

Avery thought he looked just absolutely sexy. His shirt was tight in all the right places accentuating his toned abs and rather large muscles. His long hair was curly and messy and he had the sexist smirk plastered on his  face. Avery blushed when she caught herself drooling over him and she quickly looked elsewhere. Thankfully Callum was the only one who noticed her swooning over him.

"What's all this for?" He asked walking over to Avery.

"It's for Adam, It's pesto pasta. Luca told me he likes it." She smiled shyly at him.

"Indeed he does. I can't even remember the last time we've had it I'm sure he will be pleasantly surprised." Callum lightly brushed his fingers along her cheek and jaw making Avery's face brighten in embarrassment.

"I-it's actually done right now. If you boys would like to set up the table. And if one of you could get Adam?" She mumbled out clearly still flustered.

"Of course princess." Luca said kissing her cheek. Avery's fingers lightly brushed over the spot he had kissed and smiled to herself as she began to put pasta on the plates.

The boys had quickly set everything up and Avery set down the bowl of salad in the center of the table and placed all the plates of pasta down. Callum was the one getting Adam so the rest sat in their seats waiting.

Avery fidgeted her hands nervously. Adam has continued to ignore her and she was hoping that this could rebuild the bridge between them.

The back door could be heard swinging open. Callum was talking to Adam but he had not spoken a word.

Nervousness settled in Avery's stomach. What if he didn't like it? What if Adam was going to be upset with her for forever? She'd leave if that was the case. This was Adams home long before it was hers and she didn't want to make him uncomfortable with her presence.

The last two boys walked into the kitchen and Callum sat down in his seat next to Avery.
Adams eyes widened in surprise at the dish before them.

"This looks good. We haven't had it in a long time." He flatly said.

"I-I made it for you. Luca said pesto pasta was your favorite? So I just thought... as a weird form of apology from this morning... I could make it. I'm sorry if it's not very good... I haven't made it before." Avery was stuttering and mumbling throughout her sentences which made Adams heart clench. He didn't want to make her this nervous yet he did. But once he heard what she'd done for him a huge smile lit up on his face.

"Thank you Avery. I'm sorry as well." He pulled her closely and kissed the top of her head.

"You don't need to be sorry I'm the one that-" Adam hovered directly in front of her face. His piercing stormy grey eyes held her own intensely.

"I'm the one that worried you for no reason. I'm truly sorry." Adam said. He stayed close to her for another second before swiftly moving away and sitting down.

"Well let's eat then shall we?" Callum interrupted.

They all dove into the wonderful home cooked meal praising Avery's cooking skills.

"Just wait until I bake! That's what I'm really good at" Avery said laughing.

"Lord above have mercy on my soul, I can't even imagine how heavenly your baking is Avery" Luca dramatically said while waving his hands in the air. Everyone chimed in to Avery's laughter.

Avery's scheme had been successful and Adam was finally talking and contributing to the conversation. The boys all helped her clean up the kitchen and dining room table. However the excitement from the day had made them all tired so they decided to retire early that night.

Avery heard footsteps outside of her door. She groggily opened her eyes and looked at the bed adjacent to hers to see Callum still sound asleep. Checking the time she saw it was 4 am. Curiously she got out from under the covers and tip toed out of the room. She vaguely saw someone walking downstairs and quickly after heard the backyard door swing open and then shut.

The curiosity ate at her and she slowly creeped behind following who ever was roaming the house. She quietly opened the back door and stepped into the backyard porch. Glancing around she saw Adam leaning against the fence on the far end of the ranch.

Avery glanced down at her outfit. A loose shirt and comfy sweat shorts. Her feet were adorned only with socks. She pondered just going back inside but instead decided to go see if he was alright. She made her way through the wet grass until she was only a few feet away from Adam.

He hadn't yet noticed her. She slowly whispered,

"Adam?" He jumped slightly clearly startled that someone else would be awake, better yet Avery.

"Avery? What are you doing out here?" Adam asked clearly stunned.

"I heard you walking around the house and then going outside. I wanted to make sure you're alright, what are you doing out here is the real question" Avery added a giggle at the end when Adam grew a sheepish smile on his face.

"Well, I just come out here when I can't sleep. It's beautiful." Adam stared out at the endless  fields and Avery watched right alongside him.

"It is beautiful isn't it." Avery said while she too got lost in the beauty before them. Adam whispered out,

"The best is when the sun begins to rise. You-you can wait here with me if you'd like to see it."

A smile graced Avery's face making Adams hurt clench.

"That would be wonderful."

"You know what, follow me." Adam softly grasped her hand and lead her to the stables, out of the 10 horses in this stable two were awake.

"The irony," Adam said to himself, "Alright Bucky since you're awake let's go on a ride." Adam patted Bucky's side.

Avery stood at the door of the stable while Adam saddled up Bucky. She had no idea what he was doing so she merely watched in wonder. Adam hopped onto Bucky and trotted over to her extending his arm out.

"Oh I," She started but was quickly interrupted by Adam.

"Take my hand."

Hesitantly, her tiny hand grasped onto Adams and he lifted her up to sit in front of her.

They trotted to where they were once standing and Adam quickly got off of Bucky to open the gate. After leading Bucky past it he shut the gate and hopped back on.

No words were needed. They trotted on Bucky silently enjoying the view.

When the sun started to rise Avery gasped in awe. The hills were illuminated by golden light that was simply stunning.

"It's beautiful Adam." Avery's jaw was practically on the floor. Adam got off of Bucky and lifted Avery off. They sat on the hills watching the sun rise.

"I've never seen anything as beautiful as this." Avery couldn't peel her eyes away from the sun rise but had no choice when Adam lightly turned her face towards him.

"I have. Right here in front of me." Before she  could comprehend what he said Adams soft lips were against her own.

The kiss was soft and gentle but full of passion.
When they pulled away they looked into each other's eyes and smiled.

Adam placed her back on Bucky and they rode back towards the ranch as they enjoyed the blissful morning they had spent together.

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