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A loud shriek, a crashing sound, and laughter could be heard from the stables.

"I almost died and you all are laughing!" Avery exclaimed with fake anger.

"Yes!" Luca was practically rolling on the ground in laughter.

"You are so rude I swear!" Avery said joining in on the boys laughter. Monte chuckled at her comment and outstretched his arms to her, helping her off Bucky.

"Oh princess, you know we wouldn't have stood back and watched you actually get hurt." 

"Besides, you're the one who ran Bucky into the trashcans!" Luca still, was laughing hysterically.

Callum and Adam stood off to the side amused while Greyson  removed the saddle from Bucky. Avery shivered.

"Jeez, that really was terrifying though." She muttered out.

"Next time don't lead Bucky into the trashcans okay princess?" Greyson lightly pecked her cheek, causing her cheeks to flare up. Adam noticed, and made his way to her. He bent down next to her ear and huskily whispered,

"You blush so easily, it's probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen." Shivers traveled up and down Avery's spine leaving her speechless.

"I-I" was all she managed out. Adam chuckled and grabbed her hand guiding her towards the back door. The rest followed except for Greyson who was putting Bucky and the saddle back into the stable.

"That wasn't too bad for a first lesson princess." Callum said to her kissing her cheek.

"I think you're the only one who thinks that." Avery said with a smile on her face.

Callum couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "is that so?" He couldn't hide the smile on his face even if he tried. Although her first attempt was quite awful it was hands down the cutest thing he's ever seen.

They all enjoyed sharing their passion for horses  with Avery, their princess.

"Now what are we going to do?" Avery asked.

"What would you like to do is the question." Monte asked her. Avery pondered his question for a few moments until a light bulb turned on in her head.

"There wouldn't be a roller rink around here would there?" Avery asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately not," Callum told her. Her face sunk but she quickly perked up at his next words, "there is however a ice rink if that will suffice?"

"YES, PLEASE, YES YES YES!" Avery practically begged him.

"Well, it's settled then ice skating it is!" Luca happily cheered.

"This seems... dangerous." Monte said while walking uneasily to the ice. His feet wobbled in the ice skates making it so he could barely walk.

"How people can balance on these things I'll never know" Luca complained.

"Oh shush it will be fun!" Avery ran by them in her skates, leaving their jaws dropped. She swiftly glided onto the ice and gracefully skated in circles.

"How the hell did she do that?" Greyson muttered out. He hated not getting things immediately and was already deterred from ice skating. He watched the rest of the boys wobble  out onto the ice rink but he stayed back not wanting to fail. 

Avery had skated with almost all the boys by now. Callum was decent at ice skating and they were able to skate around hand in hand without him needing to take a break. They had casual chit chat which she enjoyed.

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