Ch1. Swimming with Marco

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The title says it all, nothing to add. Only... It's all thatch's fault, as always.Ace wants to swim with Marco, and who can resist a mer as cute as him?

This is kind of the prologue I guess, I got too tired to write the actual swimming part already. I'll update that tomorrow of the day after though if someone wants to wait for this to be completed before reading. This chapter is getting Marco to join Ace in his swim.


Just as info, these bonus chapters of Mer!Ace don't have a chronological order or anything. Like this one will be +/- a year from when Ace joined, so he'll probably already have a tattoo and such while there's no story of that yet.


Also, as you can guess, this is the start/story of bonus stories of Fiery Scales. Ace's adventures as a mer on the Moby!
Okay, now i'm done talking, enjoy the prologue!

Thatch clapped his hands before turning to their newest addition at the commander's table. Well, newest is maybe a bit of a stretch, he's been sitting here for a while already or better yet, has never the spot since Marco had put him down there the very first meal.
No one minds if he isn't a commander, the table isn't commander's only exclusively, if a division member is chatting with a commander, or pops, they'll simply eat here too and continue the talk. It's simply become a habit of the crew to call it the commander's table since it does kind of look like that, but everyone knows they're welcome to join.

"Ace! My absolute favourite mer on this boat!"

"He's the only mer on this boat."

"... My dearest fishbrother of the whole ocean who I love the most!"

"Goodjob Thatch, you made Namur cry."


"Just go on with it Thatch-yoi. You know that you're going to accidentally insult someone with everything you add. And get back here Namur, your food's going to disappear into said fishbrother soon otherwise"

Namur who had been dramatically walking,... almost crawling, away seeming to be in agony, got up of the floor and returned as if nothing happened, giving Thatch a slap on the shoulder before sitting down again. Others praising him on his very good acting skills.
Everyone knows Thatch never means things to be hurtful, and they most of the time really aren't, but the chef often just doesn't think of what he says and it's fun to poke fun of.

Thatch cleared his throat, gaining attention again. "So, what I wanted to say is- Ace... Ace.... Ace... ACE!"


The one who's attention Thatch needed, he hadn't gotten, Ace is still a bit oblivious to some common human gestures, like that clearing your throat is often a way to make people look at you. Of if you tried to high-five him, he'll or just stare at it and something look at his own palm for some reason, or he'll just grab your hand and cradle it. Which was very weird, very weird to have the mer just cradling you hand when u had simply wanted to high-five.... How the mer even got the conclusion that that was what he was supposed to do was beyond him.

"Ehm, you can chew your fish first, it's okay."

This was another thing, did the mer not know how to multitask?! If you called for him, like now, when he was eating, he would stop. Literally stop at whatever he was doing, even if he was at the point to swallow, he wouldn't, he would simply let it sit in his mouth, waiting for you to finish whatever you wanted to say.

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