A close call (part 2)

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Edward had to avert his gaze as all of his hybrids were around him, sitting, standing, climbing and clinging to him as they had the biggest and cutest eyes turned to him. Small whines and purrs coming from them as they all tried to convince him of the thing he denied him.

“We can’t go outside right now-”

“Poooooooooooooooooooopppppsssssss” - “Pleeeeeeeaaaasssssssseeeee” - “Yoooooiiii!!!”

“Later. We can go later. It’s dangerous right now. I told you all that the pool was being dug today, so we can’t go right now-.”

“But I need to pee!”

Slowly Edward blinked and looked down, knowing who it was that said that, “Thatch...”

“Yes?????????” The spaniel’s tail wagged quickly as he was spoken too.

“You don’t pee outside. We have a bathroom.” None of the hybrid peed outside. Yes they were part animal, maybe a little bit more animal then human, they all still had decency.


“Why are you smiling Thatch.... Where... Where have you been peeing?”


“I wouldn’t go into the pond-yoi.”

Edward gaped, “Thatch!”

“It makes it warm!”

“It has a heater!!! You know you can turn it on if it’s too cold!”

“... I forgot!”

Groaning Edward rubbed his face, he should have found it suspicious that Thatch never seemed to go to the bathroom when playing in the pond.... He was getting that pond fully cleaned soon..

“No more peeing in the pond to make it hot, Thatch. What about your poor brothers trying to swim?”

“Oh, they know.”

“They....... nevermind. So As I was saying, we can’t go outside, there’s a big hole and a lot of machines that are dangerous. And don’t tell me you won’t get close because I know as soon as the door opens you’re all going to run out to investigate.”


“Gurarara, let’s play some games inside, sons.” He laughed at the obvious lie the others said and the pouts that followed from his words. So, only one solution, “I guess I’ll have to eat the treats in the living room all by myself.”

“TREATS?!” - “Where!?” - “Living room??????” - “Ah! Haruta’s already running for them, quickly!!!”

With another laugh he watched his hybrid-children ran off, following them at a casual pace, but not after checking he had locked the back door. It was only for today and tomorrow they couldn’t go outside. By tomorrow evening the fence should be up around the hole and his children would be able to go outside and play without the danger of falling into the hole or running under heavy machines.


Two weeks later (pool magically already ready)


“No, sons, I’m sorry, you can’t watch as Ace is brought.”

“We wil be nice!!!” - “We want to welcome him!!!”

Reaching out his hand he ruffled the boys’ hair, “Thank you, I really appreciate that. But Ace is hurt right now and he had a very long journey to get here. Not to mention he gets thrown here into an unknown environment with unknown people. I don’t want to overwhelm him.”

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