Ch.2 Swimming with Marco (Part 2)

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The next day

Marco and Ace were standing.... in Ace's case, floating, before Thatch on the deck, who in his turn was standing before the mast of the ship and was facing Pop's chair. Behind the couple were gathered the commanders, the captain and other division members standing in neatly formed lines, all dressed in their Sunday's clothing, some having tears in their eyes while watching the scene before them.

"I thank you all for coming here so quickly and at such a short notice. We've all gathered here today to attend and watch the drowning of a beautiful ch-"


"I'm sorry Ace, of course."

"To watch the mighty chicken willingly tread water for the first time."

"Is this ceremony really necessary-yoi?"

"Yes. Besides, look at Ace's excitement rising with all of this."

Marco grumbled 'I really don't need his excitement rising....'

Ignoring the blond, Thatch continued for a while with anecdotes of Marco's and Ace's life, the mystery of the blue chicken and fiery merman, before asking the very important questions.

"Will you, Ace, take Marco the Phoenix, the mighty chicken, on his first swim, and promise to stay by his side no matter his inability to actually swim himself? Will you hold his limp hand while using your own strength to pull his dead-weight forward?"

"YES!" The mer yelled very excitedly while strongly hugging Marco's bicep.

Thatch was sure he heard some kind of sound coming from Marco such as 'this is not romantic at all', but ignored it in favour of asking Marco his own, excuse him, very romantic question.

"And will you, Marco the Phoenix, the mighty chicken, the duck of the skies, the turke-"

"That's enough-yoi."

"Ahem, will you willingly take a-hold of Ace's hand and let him be your only chance of survival in these harsh waters? Will you allow for him to guide you throughout the cold dark waters and test the limits of devil fruit and seawater together?"


It was a lot less expressive than Ace's reply, but Thatch will take it.

"Then, you may now swim together!"

With a bright smile and a laugh, Ace grabbed Marco's arm and literally yeeted both of them off the side of the ship and into the dark waters below.

Some division member made a comment about how their poor commander didn't even get the chance for any last words, let alone let out a scream before he was pulled under. After acting somber for a moment, the same member turned to the 4th commander to give praises of his very well-done ceremony.

Like with every ceremony, after the vows were done, it was time for food. Or more like snacks. Even with the now limited budget, Thatch ordered his chefs to bring out some snacks and drinks to watch the newly formed swimming couple whenever they may arise from the sea.


Lots of small groups had formed and where now using this chore free day as a chance to relax and catch up with other members. Of course there were no chores today, it was practically a wedding of some kind, even if Marco denied it, people don't do chores on these days.

"I didn't know Marco had swimming trunks."

"Those are definitely not Marco's"

"How do you know."

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