Ch3. Swimming with Marco (Part 3)

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Here it is, the last part. I am a day too late as when I promised, forgive me. And I wanted to update SHINY this weekend too, but now I need to work tomorrow, which wasn't planned when I planned to write for it! Aaaah! At least this chapter became a bit longer than I thought... It's something.... enjoy!

In the sea – POV Marco

Marco released another air bubble, hoping that Ace notices it. They had been going up to the surface every now and then for him to breath, or more like Ace jumping out, Marco screaming for his life while taking a breath before getting pulled under again.
But the time in between trips to the surface had become longer and longer, and while he's good at holding his breath, it was really becoming a long time. He was starting to become dizzy even, he would have loved to squeeze Ace's arm for some form of attention, but he has no power at all, he's a literal ragdoll. Ace looks so happy though, why he's happy he doesn't know, he's essentially dragging an 100% useless human with him whom he can't interact with or anything.... it's a miracle he can kind of keep his eyes open, not that he can see much, it's all blurry and he just knows Ace is happy because he can hear the clicks and laughs. He does know Ace speaks to him too every now and then, but it just sounds like bubbles-popping to him.

Another air bubble escaped him. Aah, is this how he is going to die? The marines are going to have a blast, he can see the headlines of the newspaper in front of him, 'Marco the phoenix, drowned at sea' - 'Phoenix lured to his death by merman' or maybe they would turn it into their favour 'First commander successfully taken out by specialized marine-sea-forces'.

His vision became even more blurry and it wasn't simply because of the water and humans not build to see under water. With his last force he did everything he could to at least hopefully squeeze the mer's arm in a desperate attempt at letting him know he needs air.

A moment after he could feel himself getting shifted, did Ace feel it, did he notice it? They're not moving up though, wh-

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AC-" Oh shit he opened his mouth, crap, goodbye last of his air. The air didn't fully escape him though, something was trapping it.... WHY IS THERE A MOUTH ON HIS!

And he knows it's a mouth, he's kissed his fair share of people in his life, be it drunk or sober.

Clicks, there's clicks again, ACE WHY IS ACE KISSING ME! Oh god, Ace is kissing me, at least I'll die happy. He couldn't stop a small satisfied smile from forming on his lips while he brought his arms up around Ace with difficulty.

He could die happy after all, and his brothers would never even know of this, they can't see them. The amount of bullying he would get in the afterlife when they joined him would be insa-

He opened his eyes, no idea when he had closed them, and came face to face with a row of sharp teeth not far from him. Normally this would scare a person, but he knew these teeth, they were his brother's. Namur. Namur's here... NAMUR'S HERE!? Oh god, Namur saw them! He can't make out much more with his blurry vision then recognize it's him, but he's definitely seen them! And... oh no... Namur's so prude, he's going to make it sound worse by making a vague explanation....
Alright... He has to die now.... No way around it... Someone take him away for he can't go back up there anym-


He tried pushing at Ace, tried to talk, it's not that he disliked the kiss, very much the opposite, but maybe they should have a talk first?????? They were just friends, brothers, right? Even if he wanted more, he never told the mer that!

Together with the tongue, something else was slipped into his mouth, it felt very smooth and round to the touch. A pearl? Ace is giving him a pearl? Through his mouth? How did the mer even have this, he didn't have this when they jumped in and he doesn't have any pockets, being naked 24/7 after all. He tried to block it with his own tongue, but the mer was very insistent on pushing it further in. DOES HE WANT HIM TO CHOKE??? Just downing isn't good enough anymore?!

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