A close call (part 3)

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"Get back here!" Marco growled after his own ball that he had thrown by shaking his head hard and letting go.

Tongue out of his mouth he ran after it, picking it up when it stopped rolling because it hit a fence. Promptly he laid down to chew on it, searching out the squeaker and repeating chewing on that part so the noise would come out.

As his tail wagged behind him he suddenly heard a splash that made him look up to the big pool of water behind the fence, a few ripples over the water surface.

Right, a new hybrid Pops had gotten not too long ago.

His ears perked up and he looked to the side hearing metal scratch. Seeing what it was he was sitting up immediately, ball forgotten as he regarded the open gate. The whole pool was surrounded by a fence that usually they couldn't get into but... the gate was open. If it was open... that means they were allowed in!!!!


With a happy bark he made for the gate, easily nudging it open and walking in, sniffing the new area until he reached the poolside. He peered inside, trying to find the new person. Axel? Alex? No..... Atce? ACE! Right Right!!!!

He called out but no one came to look and it made him pout, he wanted to see this new person! Maybe he's at the other side of the pool!!

Decision made he made a run for the other side, but when he turned the corner he made a mistake. He turned to close to the edge and his back paw didn't step on ground but into the water instead. Not able to get any grip on the pavers next to the pool he fell in. Head submerging before he could paddle up.

It had spooked him! But no worries, he can swim like a good boy!! Thus, once he got his head out of the water, he easily swam for the side and...

Maybe a little to the left.

... no?

To the right?

... No?!


Where is his slope to get out!?

In the pond were slopes on almost all sides and you could run out!!!


Panick quickly came as he tried to scramble up the side of the pool but he wasn't able to get out as it was slippery, even getting his paws out and onto the pavers didn't help as there was nothing to hold onto and he couldn't pull himself up.



Yelping, crying and barking he kept struggling to get out, wearing himself out as he kept trying.

Very soon he was getting immensely tired which only made him panic more. He wasn't getting out!

But then, suddenly there was something under his hindlegs. He couldn't push off on it and get up, far too tired for that, but it did make him able to weakly hold onto the pavers as best as he could and not splash around in the water trying not to sink. He whined as he rested his head on the pavers, relieved for the magical foothold, but he was still tired and couldn't get out.


In the house with Pops

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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