A close call

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When Edward got a call from Hybrid Rescue, he knew he was going to get another child soon.He however never expected it to be an aquatic one.But no matter! He will make sure he gets the best home he can get!


Mika_Riin (on AO3) released a series about hybrids not too long ago and it revived my own love for them! And on top of that, they made Marco a golden retriever!!!! How cute is that?!?!?!

With their permission, I've made my own story about hybrids and made Marco a golden retriever!

A difference between their and my hybrids, is that the ones in this story are a bit more animal like than theirs. Both in appearance and actions. In this story you can picture them more looking like minks, they have fur, hind legs with actual paws. For their hands, they got fingers, but picture them as... fluffy fingers. For dog-hybrids for example they're padded and still have dog like nails. 



Marco gets a scare but no one gets hurt!


"Newgate speaking."

"Good evening, Sir Newgate. Jim from Hybrid Rescue speaking. I hope I don't bother."

"Aaah Jim! You know you guys never bother me." The big man known as Edward Newgate smiled from his spot on the porch outside. "So tell me, any new children for-"


Remembering he was indeed playing fetch with his son, he threw the ball he had forgotten about into the garden, chuckling as his first adoptee ran after it. Marco, a golden retriever hybrid, he was so cute, a lil pup with big floppy ears, even now when he grew the ears stayed as soft as back then-


"Oh sorry sorry, I'm playing fetch with Marco. So, any new children for me to adopt?" He finished his question of before. Smiling down as his leg vibrated and he found his cat-son Izou walking up against his legs.

"Yes.... Though.... I don't know if you'll be able to."

This made Edward blink. Not able too? That was weird to say since he always took in the hybrids that couldn't find a home. His house was a bit like a Hybrid Sanctuary, he took care of those no one wanted. Was it because of looks or because of a handicap or sickness that caused no one to want them, no matter what he took it upon himself to take them in. Many he had healed in the end got other loving homes, but plenty also stayed with him and he adopted himself.

"Do they need to be isolated?" It wasn't the first time he got a feral hybrid that was a danger to others, "I can ready the attic for them."

Attic he said, but it was more like a small apartment. It had a bedroom, a living room, a small kitchen and a bathroom. Not the biggest, but perfectly fine for one person to live. If he got someone that needed to be separated, they got that place to themselves. Ofcourse he would go up to provide food and any care they may need, but the attic was their safe place as long as they needed and he would only go in after getting permission, only going in without if it was really necessary.

"No, that's not it... It's just ... It's an aquatic hybrid."

"An aquatic hybrid?" Edward blinked, accepting the ball from Marco and throwing again. Aquatic hybrids were rarer than the land ones. Especially if you compared them to dog- and cat-hybrids.

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