Act I

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"Quit shoving me," Joel whined, pushing Jimmy out into the middle of the hallway. "I'm going to have bruises all over my arm from running into the lockers, you dimwit!"

Jimmy frowned. "I wasn't trying to, it's just crowded." He walked sighed and nudged Joel slightly with his hip, the brunette rolling his eyes in response. "My locker is just around the corner, anyway, you'll be fine," the blonde said just as they turned the corner.

Joel groaned. "But what's the point of being fine if being dramatic gets me attention?" he joked.

"Because it's annoying," a female voice said behind the two, scaring them both. Half-heartedly glaring at Joel, pink-haired Lizzie shoved the boys out of the way so she could get through. "You're blocking my locker."

"Hey, beautiful," Joel said, leaning against Jimmy's locker and grinning stupidly at Lizzie, who rolled her eyes. He winked at her and she grimaced before Jimmy shooed Joel away so he could get to his things.

"'Morning, doofus," she replied, laughing to herself. "How are you?" She glanced over at Jimmy, who gave her a look that spoke, 'I don't want to deal with your boyfriend's shenanigans,' and she giggled again.

Joel sighed dramatically, leaning heavily into Jimmy's side and almost pushing the latter into his locker. "I would say I'm doing great, but..." -he paused to give Jimmy an odd glance- "someone decided to push me in the lockers while we were walking down the hallway."

Lizzie nodded distractedly while she put her things neatly away on a shelf. "Yup, sounds like fun," she mumbled, reaching for a purple binder labeled 'CREATIVE WRITING' and tucking it under her other arm.

"You're not even listening to me!"

Jimmy, now holding himself up by bracing himself on his own locker, tried to shove Joel away. "Get.. off!" When Joel went completely limp, the younger of them sighed and stepped off to the side.

Joel let out a high-pitched yelp as he fell into the locker, slamming his shoulder on the shelf.

"Oops," Jimmy shrugged.

Lizzie snickered and covered her mouth with her hand, looking away as she giggled.

"Oh, for goodness sake!" Joel whined shrilly. "It's not funny!"

Jimmy chuckled. "Yeah, it is." Even still, he offered out a hand to help his friend to his feet.

Even though he accepted the offered hand, Joel still glared half-heartedly at Jimmy. "Watch your back, James Shadowlady-Solidarity," he sneered, but there was no heat behind the words.

Jimmy shivered at the use of his full name. "That's... not creepy at all." He laughed again when Joel rolled his eyes. "I need to get my stuff."

Joel moved, willingly this time, so Jimmy could gather his things for his next classes. "What's your next period?" the brunette asked, twirling a strand of green around his finger.

"Spanish," Jimmy answered plainly. "Then I have lunch, then health and biology."

Lizzie stuck her tongue out. "I hated biology," she groaned. "Cutting open frogs? Gross." She shook her head, her ponytail whishing around.

Jimmy laughed as he closed his locker. "It's not that bad," he said. "I mean, yeah, it's gross, but it's pretty cool."

"You're so... weird," said Lizzie slowly. "But for some reason we love you anyway."

"You're my sister!"

Lizzie quirked a brow. "So?"

Jimmy blinked. "So, you have to love me," he said.

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