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The sun shines through the curtains and down to my closed eyes. With a groan I bury my head even further into Romans, my mate, shoulder. He laughs and runs his hand up and down the side of my body. My arousal fills the room causing him to flip us over so he's on top. "You are going to be the death of me Scar. I swear to it." Roman tells me as he nuzzles my neck and inhales my scent.

"I'm sorry." I laugh. "The pup fever has me going wild." Roman pulls away to look into my eyes.

"Why don't we make one then? I'm sure Parker wouldn't mind having a little brother or sister." His green eyes flare with excitement.

"Parker is three and doesn't care in the least about having a sibling. He wants the attention all to himself." I remind him.

"True." He smirks as he places soft kisses from my jaw to my neck and back up. I arch into him when he bites the mark he gave me four years ago. Roman smiles against me and I know he plans on going further but before we can the cries of Parker fill my ears and my mother instances override my sex drive. In a flash I'm out of the bed and pulling my robe on. "Damn instinct." I hear Roman grumble as I leave. I laugh lowly but I know he can still hear me with his alpha hearing.

I walk into Parker's nursery and right to his crib where he's standing and waiting to be in my arms. With little effort I lifted him up and almost instantly he calmed down. "He's such a mommies boy." Roman laughs as he comes in, shirtless and gorgeous as ever.

"You're just jealous he loves me more than you." I tease. Roman rolls his eyes.

"He could never love you as much as I do Scarlet. It's just not possible."

"Suck up." I accuse.

"Fine by me." He states. With a laugh I walk down stairs with Parker on my hip, rubbing his green eyes sleepily. I place him in his highchair and start to go make him breakfast but Roman stops me before I can. "I'll make breakfast this morning. You just rest your pretty head." My blue eyes narrow but I don't argue.

"What am I resting from?" I question as I sit in my chair next to Parker. Roman shrugs and continues looking through the fridge. He takes forever making our breakfast and to be honest it wasn't that good but I'll never tell him that. I barely get through half my plate before I start to feel sick. My stomach does a weird twist and before I know it I'm out of my seat and throwing up in the sink. Roman is with me in an instant, holding my hair out of my face.

"Jeez, is my cooking that bad?" He wonders as I rinse my mouth out.

"No it's not that." I assure him, stepping out of his arms. "I think I'm going to go lay down for a bit. If I'm not up by 1:30, lie Parker down for a nap. If you need to leave to go do Alpha things just bring him to me and I'll get up." Roman nods and kisses my forehead.

"Ew!" Parker giggles, throwing his hands over his eyes. I laugh and walk up to my room. The bed feels even more comfortable than usual as my tired body flops down on it. I can hear Roman shuffling around down stairs and Parker giggling over something on the tv. It gets me thinking about my family and this morning when I told Roman I was having major pup fever. Last time I had pup fever was when I was pregnant with Parker. I was never a pup crazed girl growing up, I wanted kids but it wasn't the first thing I thought about when I first found Roman. I thought about...other things.

With these new thoughts in my head I bolt out of bed and to the bathroom. I quickly take a pregnancy test and as I wait count in my head the days since my last period and heat. I had a period last month but my period hasn't come this month and my last heat was four months ago. It also was supposed to come this month but with only three more days of this month left I doubt I will. With shaky hands I pick up the test and flip it over to see the results. PREGNANT stands out in bolt letters. I drop the test then pick it up again with tears of joy in my eyes. I was not expecting this. I mean Roman and I weren't really even trying, we weren't not trying but it wasn't the first thing on our minds either. There was no rush. I find myself standing and walking towards the stairs to Roman. When he sees me he stands and when he sees my tears run to my side. "What is it? What's wrong?" He asks, panicked looking over me.

"N-nothing." I laugh while wiping my cheeks.

"Then why are you crying?" He questions. I slowly held out the positive test for him. He pauses and takes it from me. I bite my lip and wait for his reaction. "You're pregnant?" He asks, still looking at the test in his hand.

"Yes." I answer.

"We're going to have another pup?" He questions. I nod. "I'm going to be a dad of two!" He shouts excitedly as he picks me up and spins me around. I laugh and peck him on the lips. "That explains the pup fever and lack of period or heat." He comments, setting me down.

"That's why I took a test." I tell him.

"I just can't believe this." He says. "Parker guess what? You're going to be a big brother." Parker looks at me and holds his hands out to be held.

"Did you hear daddy?" I ask him. He plays with my moon necklace and nods.

"Puppy." He says patting my tummy. I laugh.

"Yeah. Mommies pup is in there." I tell him. He claps and laughs.

"That means mommy is going to need a lot of rest." Roman tells him. I roll my eyes.

"Because that's going to happen." I mumble.

"It is." Roman insists.

"I'm a mother Roman. Any cry Parker makes is going to set off my instinct. I'm not going to be able to just lie back and listen to him cry." I tell him, placing Parker back on the couch.

"Your mother instincts have always been strong." Roman agrees as he follows me to the kitchen. "But with a new pup on the way you need to take it easy. No shifting unless absolutely necessary and no holding Parker anymore." I choke on my drink.

"Like hell I'm not going to hold Parker." I argue. "I'm his mother. He needs me to hold him to calm his inner wolf. It's part of my instincts. His wolf is bonded tightly to mine. Almost as tight as yours."

"You can already feel his wolf?" Roman questions. I nod.

"He's small and definitely not ready to shift yet but he's already with Parker. That's why Parker growls in his sleep and why we can sometimes feel his emotions or see his dreams. His wolf is with him." I explain.

"And you're just now telling me this?" Roman nearly yells.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out, Roman." I answer bitterly. Roman growls at my disrespect but I don't back down. No, instead I get into his face. "Make me submit to you. See how far you get in the bedroom." I threaten. His yellow eyes blaze showing me his wolf is surfising. Then with a growl he storms away and I happily go sit with Parker on the couch. Tell me I can't hold my pup, see how far you get.

This is a new story I wrote a long long time ago. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Please comment what you think! -Koda122

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