Happy birthday!

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Two months and I can't bring myself to forgive Roman, my own mate. The twins are six months and I'm now 25. I shouldn't be this stubborn or petty but I don't think I can ever forget this. When I wake up I head straight to the twins nursery and feed them. After I take them downstairs and put them in a jumper. Parker comes running down and hops right into his seat where I already have his food ready. Roman is nowhere to be seen.

When Parker's done eating he watches cartoons on TV while I clean up the kitchen. Just as I'm about to start wiping up the table, someone knocks at the door. "Mommy, door!" Parker yells. I laugh and head to the door, opening it and gasping.

"Selena!" I hug my sister. "What are you doing here?" I ask stepping aside to let her, Alex and the girls in.

"Well it's your birthday and..." She looks at Alex, beaming with joy. "I'm PREGNANT!!!" She yells. I launch myself at her, hugging her tightly.

"Oh my goddess! This is amazing!" I cheer.

"And the best part is we finally get a boy!" She does a little dance.

"I guess I can't be too mad about that." Alex laughs. Selena shoots him a look.

"Anyways, where's Roman? Isn't he supposed to be pampering you?" Selena asks as she plops Lacey on the couch by Parker. Alex plays with the kids while Selena and I go to the kitchen.

"I don't know. He wasn't here when I woke up. He's probably at his office working." I shrug.

"Are you two still not talking? It's been two months!" Selena shouts.

"I just can't bring myself to forgive him yet. Believe me I want to but every time I look at him I feel this pang of pain and I just can't" I tell her.

"I think you two should have another baby. They always fix things." She tells me. I give her a skeptical look.

"You just want our kids to be close together."

"That too." She laughs. I roll my eyes.

As the day goes on I still don't see Roman. The longer I don't see him the more I want him to hold me and to forget everything I was mad about. Selena and her family all went home after we ate some cake, taking Parker with her. The twins are both asleep in their nursery so I have nothing to do. Finally at ten o'clock I get tired of waiting for Roman and head upstairs. Just as I'm about to open our bedroom door I'm grabbed and held against a familiar chest. "Where have you been?" I ask, quietly. He laughs slowly.

"My office." He says. "Happy birthday baby." His lips trail kisses down my neck, going further with no stop. When I open the door we stumble in and kick the door closed. Roman lays us on the bed and lingers above me.

"I'm sorry I've been so angry at you." I whisper. He gives me a soft smile.

"I shouldn't have put you in that position. You have every right to be upset." He goes back to kissing my mark.

"Selena's pregnant." I mumble, arching my back when he kisses the right spot. "She wants us to have another so they're close in age." Roman stops kissing me to look at my face.

"Do you want to have another one?" He asks. I bit my lip.

"You still owe me that little girl." Lust flares in his eyes and the next thing I know we're kissing again.

The world seems to shift into the right place. My anger dims then vanishes, until all I feel is Roman, my sweet, loving, alpha mate. 

Theres just two more chapter to go. Tell me what you guys think in the comments!

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