Home sweet home

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Three months later

I'm finally coming home. Mom and dad explained everything they could to me about my adoption but I never ended up finding anything about my biological parents. Roman told me last night that he had found the guy in the woods and that he was now a part of our pack and wasn't dangerous so me and the boys could come home now. So last night I packed up all three boys and myself and left early this morning with Selena and her girls. Selena's mate Alex begged her to come home and even promised if she came he'd let her have one more pup. She was done packing before I was. Although it was really nice spending these last three months with my parents I really just want my mate. Parker was the hardest to get ready because he didn't want to leave Lacey but after a while and a promise that he could sit with her in the car he let me get him dressed. We left at nine. The car ride started out fine. All the kids were sleeping or quietly watching a movie on one of the ipads until Lia started throwing a fit because Selena said she couldn't watch another movie. This caused the twins to wake up and cry so at twelve we stopped at a gas station and got everyone icecream. It was sugar free but they didn't need to know that. When we were finally back on the road I announced that we weren't going to stop anymore because we were only an hour away. Finally after almost five hours on the road we're home and let me tell you I was the first person out of the car. Roman was on the porch waiting for us and I launched myself into his arms, kissing him like we only had moments left together. He laughs. "I'm glad you missed me. I was beginning to think you'd stay there forever."

"I'll always miss you." I whisper.

"Daddy!" Parker yells. Roman pulls away and crouches down to pick up Parker as he runs into his arms.

"Hey buddy! How was grandma?" He asks.

"Good. Mommy found out Lacey was my mate!" Parker exclaims. "Whatever that means." Roman laughs but there's a nervousness to it that I've never heard before. Roman takes Parker inside and I go get the twins.

"Hey!" Selena says. "Thank you for taking me along. This was really fun."

"Of course!" I tell her. "You're my sister, even if not by blood." Selena hugs me and drives away. I take the twins inside and start taking them out of their car seats. Jonah is asleep so I put him in the nursery, but Jasper is wide awake. I put him in a swing and dangle his rings above him. He giggles and tries to grab them. Eventually he falls asleep too and I put him in his crib as well.

After a long day it's finally bedtime for Parker. It takes a while before he actually falls asleep because he misses Lacey but eventually I manage to soothe him to sleep. Down stairs Roman is watching T.V. I jump over the couch into his lap and kiss him. When I pull away he rests his head on my forehead. "Goddess I've missed you." He whispers.

"I missed you too." I whisper back. He kisses me again and soon we get lost in each other. A long forgotten burst of warmth ignites in my stomach. My heat. That sends Roman crazy. The next thing I know our clothes are on the floor and we're tangled together. The feeling of our bond is still strong as ever as we wrap ourselves in it. Our love, fueled by our passion and vice versa. With a kiss on the forehead we finish and Roman carries me up to our bedroom.

In the morning I wake up with my head on Romans stomach and his arm around me.

I snuggle closer and breathe in his scent. "Good morning love." He whispers, kissing the top of my head. I sit up and smile at him.

"Even after three kids we still got it." I laugh. He chuckles.

"With you, always." I slide out of the tall bed and right to the shower, keeping the door open in case Roman decides to join me. He never does. When I get out I wrap a towel around me and walk to my closet. Throwing some clothes on I head straight to the twins room and feed them. Once they're done I take them down stairs where Roman and Parker are already eating cereal at the table.

"Good morning mommy!" Parker greets. I kiss the top of his head then put both boys in a jumper. As they play I make myself some food. Just a small bowl of cereal and a banana. Just as I sit, Roman stands.

"I have to get going. Alpha Cash is coming and I need to tell Josh not to let me kill him." Roman laughs and kisses us all goodbye. Just before he walks out he turns to talk to me. "Could you come by my office around four. There's someone I'd like you to meet." I nod and he leaves. For the rest of the day Parker and I watch tv and hang out around the house. At 3:30 I take all of the boys to Selena's house so I can meet Roman at his office. When I pull into the driveway I see Selena standing on the porch yelling at Alex.

"You promised!" She yells at him as I get out of my car.

"I know but five kids is a lot!" Alex shouts back. Selena growls loudly.

"Hey!" I shout getting in front of her. "Calm down. I have a pretty good idea what this is about but there is no reason for this Selena."

"Thank you!" Alex cheers. Selena growls again.

"Selena I know you want more kids but you need to respect your mate's wishes. And maybe try talking to him instead of attacking." I encourage.

"He promised Scar. He said we could have another." She cries. "And now he's taking it back." I sigh and turn around.

"That was pretty messed up Alex. You know she-wolves instincts about pups. You shouldn't tease her about that kind of thing. It's like waving a rouge right under your nose then telling you you aren't allowed to kill it." I explain. Alex flinches back a little.

"I'm sorry Selena. Can we just talk about this a little more?" He asks. With a sigh she nods and he goes inside.

"Thanks Scar. I owe you one." She smiles.

"How about watching my kids for a few hours right now?" 

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