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Roman (one month later)

I'm sitting at my deck, Josh my beta across from me talking about business when Parker throws one of his cars right at my head. Josh bursts into laughter as I grumble and pick my son up out of his playpen. Ever since I told Scarlet she couldn't hold Parker anymore they've both been in moods. "That kid is going to give you a run for your money when he gets older." Josh warns, still laughing. I shoot him a glare and he instantly shuts up.

"I can't believe I have to go through another month of this. I hate when Scars pregnant. She's so moody." I whine, bouncing Parker on my lap.

"It's just her hormones and motherly instincts clashing. In just a month she'll go back to her usual motherly self and you'll finally get your mate back." Josh wiggles his eyebrow at me suggestively. I groan.

"A whole freaking month, Josh. And her mother's instinct will only be worse with two pups."

"How many does she want?" He asks.

"I don't know. We've never talked about it. I just assumed she'll be out of her mothering phase after two." I shrug. Josh gives me a look.

"As a father of six, I can assure you the mothering phase never goes away. Bella still wants more pups but I told her I was done. We've pretty much decided we aren't going to have anymore." He tells me. "But she'll always want more. It's in their-"

"Instinces." I finish. "You're different though. Your mate was only pregnant three times. One for the triplets then again for the twins and finally little Jack. My mate's only been pregnant twice and only with one baby at a time. She'll be done before we hit six kids."

"Whatever you say boss." He sighs. Parker finally falls asleep so I put him back in his playpen and go back to work.

About an hour after Josh leaves, Scarlet walks in and sits on my lap, cuddling close and nuzzling her nose into my neck. Her mocha skin is warmer than usual thanks to the pup and her already delicious scent of strawberries and chocolate is heightened by ten. She's irresistible. "I'm sorry I've been so moody lately." She mumbles into my neck. I pull her closer.

"It's okay Scar. I understand." I whisper in her ear. Soon her breath is even and she's completely relaxed. Picking her and Parker up at the same time since both are asleep, I take them both to their rooms. After tucking Parker in I make my way to my room with Scarlet and cuddle her close, placing a hand on her stomach that's not quite showing yet. I feel her move closer to me and smile. My Scar may be crazy sometimes but I'll always love her.

In the morning I get up really early and get ready for work without waking up Scarlet. I change Parker and get a bag ready for him so I can take him to work with me like yesterday but he won't stop crying. Soon Scarlet is rushing in to grab him from me, cuddling him to her chest and whispering soothing words in his small ear. I give her a look. "I'm sorry. I truly tried to stay in bed but he just kept crying and I couldn't do it anymore." She keeps her eyes down. Her stomach is bigger than it was yesterday, a noticeable bump growing between her hips. I put my hands on either side of her bump and smile.

"Our pup's growing fast." I comment.

"I know, I can feel it." She groans. I laugh and peck her lips.

"I'm taking Parker to work with me so you can rest. Call me if you need anything. Got it?" I ask, giving her a hard look. She sighs and nods, handing Parker over to me.

"Can you bring me a bag of apples on your way home? I've been craving one for so long." She tells me. I nod and hurry away with Parker before she traps me with her cuteness.

At my office, Parker plays on the floor with his cars and I'm typing out letters of acceptance for the three new wolves who want to join my pack for their mates. As I do this it takes me back to when I found Scarlet.

"Alpha Norwood!" The Alpha of Fang hill greets. "It's so nice of you to visit on such short notice." I can hear the edge of annoyance in his voice but choose to ignore it. My beta Josh on the other hand growls at his disrespect. As Alpha Cash leads me and Josh to his office the most delicious scent hits my nose. Strawberries and Chocolate. All of my instincts take control and I find myself running into the woods after the person with the scent. When I finally stop I see the most beautiful creature I've ever seen. Her blonde hair flows with the wind as she chases a little boy that looks about four. I can tell when she scents me too because she pauses and lifts her eyes to right where I'm standing. Her electric blue eyes pierce mine as she slowly makes her way over to me, leaving the little boy confused. "Mate" I growl pulling to me. She nuzzles her nose in the crook of my neck and breaths in my scent.

"Mate" She growls back and we kiss.

Scarlet became pregnant ten months after that on her first heat. She's always had a motherly nature to her, always playing with the pups around the pack, but when we found out we were having our own pup every instinct she had went haywire. Within days we had the nursery set up and a name picked out. Parker, after my father who died two months after I found Scarlet. She is, in every way, the perfect mother and mate anyone could ask for. The sound of my phone ringing sends me out of my thoughts. "Hello?" I answer almost angrily.

"Alpha!" Josh's voice rings through the phone. "You need to get to the pack house right now. It's Scarlet." 

Short I know and I'm sorry but I didn't have a lot of inspiration for this chapter. Like and Comment!!-Koda122

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