You Came Back...Early

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"Seven years down...thirteen more to go..." I sighed marking the calendar.

Janet went to serve in the army for 20 years. We married two years before she left. We've now been married for 9, but just far away from each other. She calls when she has time which makes me happy. We plan on making a family, but she wants to wait until she's home permanently.

I poured a glass of wine, and turning on some soft jazz before reclining back on the couch. I closed my eyes relaxing taking short sips, and reminiscing on the two years of marriage we spent laughing, crying, holding each other, love making...God how I miss those things.

My thoughts were soon interrupted my phone vibrating. I looked down, softly smiling seeing that it was Janet.

"Hey, Jan" I cheesed into the phone.

"Hey my love, how are you?" I heard her close a car door.

"I'm alright, missing you..." I trailed off pouting.

"Awww, you won't have to worry for long."

"13 years isn't long for you? Must be the military talking." We both shared a laugh.

"I'll be here before you know it."

"I wish you were here nowww" I whined.

A knock at the door startled me causing me to drop my phone. I wasn't expecting anybody, not that I remember. I'm too short to look through the peephole so I just slowly and cautiously opened the door. I looked down to see combat boots, trailing my eyes up the figure to see a camouflage uniform, the name tag reading Jackson. I froze, my eyes had to be playing tricks on me.

"J-Janet?" I felt tears clouding my eyes.

"Surprise Michele" she pulled a bouquet of roses from behind her back. I pulled her in hugging her right crying into her neck. I heard her chuckle wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I missed you..." I sobbed

"I missed you too" she kissed the top of my head.

A/N: I'll make a part 2 to this, I'm sleepy.

Excuse any mistakes

Joni: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now