Anytime, Anyplace

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Janet sat crisscross on the foot of her bed, braiding her hair. Looking out of the window, she watched the thunder and rain. The sound of footsteps, and the jingle of keys, out in the hallway of her apartment door caught her attention. She finished the last braid, standing up, and approached the door, peeping the the small peephole. There she was. The woman, inserted the key into the keyhole, then, put their attention on the door, with the numbers, 404, labeled vertically on the door, and back to the task at hand, unlocking the door. Janet continued to watch until the figure disappeared on the other side of the door, leaving the key inserted. Janet smiled to herself, and walked four steps to the door across from hers. Opening the door, she smelled the aroma of dinner being made.

"Toni?" Janet called out softly.

"Hey, Janet" the voice responded back. Janet stood at the doorway, patiently waiting for Toni to finish what she was doing at the stove. Toni turned to face Janet, and walked over to her to embrace her in a hug. Janet relaxed into her lover's embrace, closing her eyes, taking in the sweet vanilla scent of her perfume. "How was your day?" Toni asked, her arms still wrapped around the small and petite body, she called her lover, her chin rested on the crown of her head.

"It was alright. I just played with the cat, and braided my hair as you can see," Janet shrugged. "Yours?" She looked up into Toni's eyes. She took a deep breath before answering.

"Busy. Very...busy" she trailed off dramatically, causing the pair to laugh. Toni picked up Janet by her legs, walking to the washing machine, and sat her on top. Toni stood in between Janet's legs, and admired her beauty. Her thoughts were interrupted as Janet reached up to Toni's shoulders and removed her gray sweater, leaving on the wife beater underneath. Janet started at Toni's bare and toned arms "What are you thinking about?" Toni interrupted her thoughts, unbuttoning the crop top Janet wore.

"I was thinking that maybe we know?"

Pieces of clothing were being removed and scattered across the floor. Toni kissed Janet's lips, down to her neck, to her chest, and the top of her breast where her brassiere didn't cover. Janet let out airy moans, as her breathing picked up. As Toni continued to leave hickeys across her chest, Janet reached down to the waistband of Toni's boxer briefs, placing her hand inside, she felt Toni's wetness. Toni moaned against Janet, causing a smile to appear on Janet's face. Toni pulled away from Janet's neck to her lips. She licked her bottom lip, as to grant permission for entrance, which Janet gladly accepted. Not breaking the kiss, Janet hopped down from the machine, walking Toni onto the red velvet couch, causing Toni to fall back, and Janet straddled her lap. The couple went through multiple rounds of love making, loud screams that their neighbors heard on the fourth floor of the apartment building. The next door neighbor heard the racket of the young lovers, as she started through her window, Janet stared back.

"Just ignore her baby," Toni assured her as she kissed down her flat stomach. Janet turned her head from the window and closed her eyes in a bliss, enjoying the pleasure she was receiving.


Toni and Janet now sat in a doorway, Toni against the frame, and Janet across from her. A bowl of strawberries sat in between them. Toni grabbed a strawberry and took a bite. She extended her arm in front of Janet to feed her the strawberry, which Janet happily accepted, savoring the sweet taste of her favorite fruit. Toni told Janet jokes, making her laugh showing her perfect, pearly whites. Toni stood up holding out her hands and helped up Janet. Toni led Janet to the couch, as Janet got comfortable and laid across Toni's lap. Toni rubbed Janet's bath soothingly as she fell asleep, her light snores filling the silent atmosphere. This was something they loved to do, anytime, and anyplace.


Excuse any mistakes
Mcl99_ here you go! Thank you for the idea!! I'm sorry if this doesn't fill anyone's satisfaction. I tried but my parents kept interrupting me, that I lost my plot, and it could've been longer. Also, I didn't write "real" smut, bc I'm terrible at it :')

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